
歌曲 2010.06真题短对话2
歌手 英语听力
专辑 六级听力室


[00:00.56] Doctor, I haven't been able to get enough sleep lately, and I'm too tired to concentrate in class.
[00:06.70] Well, you know, spending too much time indoors with all that artificial lighting can do that to you.
[00:12.45] Your body loses its track of whether it is day or night.
[00:16.61] What does the man imply?
[00:16.62] A) The woman is making too big a fuss about her condition.
[00:16.63] B) Fatigue is a typical symptom of lack of exercise.
[00:16.64] C) The woman should spend more time outdoors.
[00:16.65] D) People tend to work longer hours with artificial lighting.


[00:00.56] yī shēng, wǒ zuì jìn méi néng dé dào zú gòu de shuì mián, wǒ tài lèi le, bù néng jí zhōng jīng lì shàng kè.
[00:06.70] ó, nǐ zhī dào, huā tài duō de shí jiān zài shì nèi mù yù zhe rén zào guāng huì dǎo zhì nǐ zhè yàng
[00:12.45] nǐ de shēn tǐ shī qù le tā de shēng wù guǐ jī, fēn bù qīng shì bái tiān hái shì hēi yè.
[00:16.61] zhè rén shuō míng shén me?
[00:16.62] nǚ rén duì zì jǐ de qíng kuàng guò yú dà jīng xiǎo guài le.
[00:16.63] pí láo shì quē fá duàn liàn de diǎn xíng zhèng zhuàng.
[00:16.64] nǚ rén yīng gāi duō huā shí jiān zài hù wài.
[00:16.65] rén men qīng xiàng yú yòng rén zào guāng xià gōng zuò gèng zhǎng de shí jiān.