奇妙岛屿 03

歌曲 奇妙岛屿 03
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC南太平洋


[00:00.00] New Guinea is a vast island nestled close to the continental landmass of Australia.
[00:06.20] As we move south and east, to smaller, more distant islands,
[00:10.04] the wildlife becomes even more unusual.
[00:13.34] The little-known island of New Caledonia is a small sliver of Australia
[00:17.83] that was cast adrift over 60 million years ago.
[00:20.95] It's home to a creature that seems to have evolved quite strangely.
[00:25.18] It has wings, but it can't fly.
[00:27.80] It is the kagu.
[00:30.01] Kagu families stick together,
[00:32.51] with young from previous years helping to declare the family territory.
[00:35.96] All intruders are chased away.
[00:38.66] It's the breeding season,
[00:40.59] when males rekindle the flame with their life-long partners.
[00:44.58] It's hard to know what the kagu is related to,
[00:47.85] a heron, a rail, or maybe a pigeon.
[00:51.42] Its closest relative may actually be the sunbittern of South America,
[00:56.16] 7,000 miles to the east.


[00:00.00] xīn jǐ nèi yà shì dà dǎo jǐn kào zhe ào dà lì yà zhōu dà lù
[00:06.20] dāng wǒ men qiān dào nán fāng hé dōng fāng gèng xiǎo gèng yuǎn de dǎo yǔ shí
[00:10.04] yě shēng dòng wù biàn de gèng jiā dú tè
[00:13.34] xiǎn wéi rén zhī yòu xiá xiǎo de xīn kā lǐ duō ní yà dǎo
[00:17.83] 6 qiān wàn nián qián cóng ào dà lì yà hǎi àn piāo yí chū qù
[00:20.95] sì hū chéng le yǎn huà qí guài de dòng wù men de fā yuán dì
[00:25.18] yǒu chì bǎng què bú huì fēi
[00:27.80] zhè shì lù hè
[00:30.01] lù hè de jiā tíng chéng yuán bǐ cǐ zhōng chéng
[00:32.51] cóng qián nián huái tāi qǐ jiù xuān bù le jiā zú de lǐng dì
[00:35.96] rèn hé shàn rù zhě dōu bèi gǎn zǒu
[00:38.66] yòu dào le fán zhí de jì jié
[00:40.59] dāng xióng xìng zài cì rán qǐ zhōng shēn pèi ǒu de rè qíng
[00:44.58] hěn nán lǐ jiě lù hè yǔ shén me shì jìn qīn
[00:47.85] lù yāng jī huò zhě shì gē zi
[00:51.42] shí jì shang tā shì qī qiān yīng lī yǐ dōng
[00:56.16] nán měi rì jiān de jìn qīn