奇妙岛屿 18

歌曲 奇妙岛屿 18
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC南太平洋


[00:00.00] The cats were removed from Stephens Island,
[00:03.22] but it was too late for the wren.
[00:05.13] Now only known from a few cat-chewed museum specimens,
[00:08.75] evolving to be flightless had proven fatal.
[00:12.26] So it seems there is a trade-off.
[00:14.29] The freedom of island life allows a species to relax its guard,
[00:18.61] but that can leave it defenceless.
[00:21.56] on the main islands of New Zealand,
[00:23.85] similar dramas have played out time and time again.
[00:27.56] Forests dominated by giant kauri trees once covered the North Island.
[00:32.97] The fragments that remain look much like they have for millennia,
[00:36.49] but looks can be deceiving.
[00:38.52] A few centuries ago,
[00:39.82] this forest echoed with the calls of strange and wonderful birds.
[00:44.76] Most famous was the giant moa,
[00:47.33] which looked a bit like an ostrich,
[00:49.24] but taller than an elephant.
[00:51.04] And there are many more birds
[00:52.83] whose haunting songs now exist here only in memory.


[00:00.00] zhèi xiē māo hòu lái bèi qīng chū sī dì fēn sī dǎo le
[00:03.22] dàn duì zhè liáo lái shuō wéi shí yǐ wǎn
[00:05.13] xiàn zài duì zhè liáo de liǎo jiě jǐn xiàn yú shǎo shù jǐ gè bèi māo yǎo guò de yàng běn
[00:08.75] yóu cǐ zhèng míng tā men zài yǎn huà guò chéng zhōng shī qù fēi xíng néng lì zhè yì diǎn shì zhì mìng de
[00:12.26] suǒ yǐ, sì hū shì yǒu de yǒu shī
[00:14.29] dǎo yǔ shēng huó de zì yóu huì ràng wù zhǒng fàng sōng jǐng tì
[00:18.61] dàn yě yǒu kě néng lìng qí shī qù fáng yù néng lì
[00:21.56] zài xīn xī lán zhǔ yào de dǎo yǔ shàng
[00:23.85] lèi sì jù qíng yī zài shàng yǎn
[00:27.56] yǐ jù xíng bèi ké shān wéi zhǔ de sēn lín céng jīng fù gài zhe běi dǎo
[00:32.97] liú cún xià lái de suì piàn kàn qǐ lái qiān nián wèi biàn
[00:36.49] dàn wài biǎo shì huì piàn rén de
[00:38.52] jǐ bǎi nián qián
[00:39.82] zhè piàn sēn lín lǐ huí dàng zhe qí miào niǎo lèi de míng jiào shēng
[00:44.76] qí zhōng zuì yǒu míng de shì jù xíng kǒng niǎo
[00:47.33] kàn qǐ lái yǒu diǎn xiàng tuó niǎo
[00:49.24] dàn zhǎng de bǐ dà xiàng hái gāo
[00:51.04] hái yǒu gèng duō niǎo lèi
[00:52.83] qí lìng rén nán yǐ wàng huái de gē shēng xiàn zài jiù zhǐ cún zài jì yì zhōng