奇妙岛屿 22

歌曲 奇妙岛屿 22
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC南太平洋


[00:00.20] Major celebrations surround the giving and receiving of these prized assets.
[00:04.76] And since the Toka only occurs once every three or four years,
[00:08.59] everyone jumps at the chance to dress up.
[00:11.28] The dancing goes on for three days.
[00:13.71] Each village attempts to out-dance its neighbours in a display of friendly rivalry.
[00:18.54] You could say this is Strictly Come Dancing, Vanuatu-style.
[00:21.62] In the past, tribal rivalry was far more serious.
[00:25.56] On this island, there were precious few wild animals to hunt.
[00:29.46] Pigs would have been essential protein,
[00:32.30] but if they died, perhaps through disease,
[00:35.54] what else did the islanders have to eat?
[00:38.61] The great-grandparents of these dancers were cannibals.
[00:42.36] Life on an isolated Pacific island is eternally poised on a knife-edge.
[00:47.06] Nowhere is this more apparent than on the single most remote island in the Pacific,
[00:53.05] Easter Island.
[00:54.53] This tiny speck of land has an extraordinary story to tell,
[00:57.92] with new twists turning up still to this day.


[00:00.20] zhǔ yào de jǐ gè qìng diǎn huó dòng wéi rào zhe zhèi xiē bǎo guì zī chǎn de shòu shòu ér zhǎn kāi.
[00:04.76] yóu yú tuō jiā jié měi sān sì nián cái jǔ bàn yī cì,
[00:08.59] měi ge rén dōu gǎn zhe zhuā zhù jī huì shèng zhuāng dǎ bàn.
[00:11.28] wǔ dǎo gòng chí xù sān tiān shí jiān.
[00:13.71] zài yǒu shàn jìng jì de biǎo yǎn zhōng, měi gè cūn luò dū shì tú yào bǐ lín cūn tiào dé gèng hǎo.
[00:18.54] nǐ yě kě yǐ shuō zhè shì wǎ nǔ ěr tú bǎn de wǔ dòng qí jī.
[00:21.62] zài guò qù, bù luò duì kàng yuǎn bǐ zhè yán jùn de duō
[00:25.56] zài zhè zuò dǎo shàng, kě gōng bǔ shí de yě shēng dòng wù shí fēn zhēn guì xī shǎo.
[00:29.46] zhū běn yìng shì dàn bái zhì dì jī běn lái yuán,
[00:32.30] dàn rú guǒ tā men dōu sǐ le, kě néng shì yīn wèi jí bìng,
[00:35.54] dǎo mín men hái néng chī shén me ne?
[00:38.61] zhèi xiē wǔ zhě de zēng zǔ fù bèi men céng shì shí rén zú.
[00:42.36] zài gū jué de tài píng yáng dǎo yǔ shàng, shēng mìng yǒng yuǎn yóu zǒu yú dāo fēng zhī shàng.
[00:47.06] tài píng yáng shàng méi yǒu něi gè dì fāng bǐ zhè gè zuì biān yuǎn de gū dǎo gèng néng tǐ xiàn zhè yì diǎn,
[00:53.05] fù huó dǎo
[00:54.53] zhè kuài xiǎo xiǎo de lù dì yǒu zhe bù tóng xún cháng de gù shì,
[00:57.92] shí zhì jīn rì gù shì yòu yǒu le chū hū yì liào de biàn huà.