奇妙岛屿 25

歌曲 奇妙岛屿 25
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC南太平洋


[00:00.36] Houses were abandoned and the foundation stones used to construct fortified dwellings in caves underground.
[00:08.87] Some evidence even suggests that once everything edible had been consumed,
[00:13.49] the starving were driven to that most desperate of acts, cannibalism.
[00:17.42] Understandably, this version of Easter Island's history remains controversial,
[00:21.60] because it suggests the Rapa Nui were incredibly short-sighted.
[00:25.54] As the trees dwindled, why did they do nothing about it?
[00:28.46] But a new theory suggests the Rapa Nui were powerless to prevent their downfall,
[00:33.72] for when they arrived on this island, they were not alone.
[00:37.26] Rats travelled with people to every corner of the Pacific.
[00:40.94] on Easter Island, their impact may have been catastrophic.
[00:44.27] Multiplying to plague proportions,
[00:46.48] they would have devoured the wild fruits, the seabirds, even the nuts of the giant palms,
[00:52.23] so that the trees may have stopped reproducing long before the last one was felled.


[00:00.36] fáng wū bèi yí qì le, wū zhái de jī shí bèi ná dào dì xià xué dòng, yòng lái gòu jiàn jiān gù de zhù suǒ
[00:08.87] yǒu zhèng jù shèn zhì biǎo míng, céng yǒu yí dù fán shì néng chī de dōng xī dōu bèi ná lái shí yòng.
[00:13.49] jī è de rén men bèi pò zuò chū zuì bù dé yǐ de jǔ dòng tóng lèi xiāng shí.
[00:17.42] bù nán lǐ jiě, zhè yī bǎn běn de fù huó jié dǎo lì shǐ réng yǒu zhēng yì,
[00:21.60] yīn wèi àn zhào zhè gè bǎn běn de shuō fǎ, lā pà nǔ yī rén jiù tài shǔ mù cùn guāng le.
[00:25.54] shù mù kāi shǐ jiǎn shǎo zhī shí, tā men wèi shí me méi yǒu cǎi qǔ xíng dòng?
[00:28.46] rán ér, yǒu yí gè xīn de lǐ lùn rèn wéi, lā pà nǔ yī rén wú lì zǔ dǎng zì jǐ de mò luò.
[00:33.72] dāng tā men lái dào zhè zuò dǎo shàng shí, bìng bú shì dǎo shàng wéi yī de jū mín.
[00:37.26] zài tài píng yáng shàng, rén lèi zǒu dào nǎ ér, lǎo shǔ jiù gēn dào nǎ ér.
[00:40.94] ér zài fù huó jié dǎo, tā men huò xǔ dài lái le zāi nàn xìng de yǐng xiǎng.
[00:44.27] lǎo shǔ bù duàn fán zhí zhí zhì fàn làn chéng zāi
[00:46.48] tā men huì chī guāng yě shēng shuǐ guǒ hǎi niǎo shèn zhì dà xíng zōng lǘ shù de jiān guǒ.
[00:52.23] yīn cǐ, shù mù kě néng zǎo zài kǎn fá tíng zhǐ zhī qián jiù bù zài shēng zhǎng le.