无尽汪洋 12

歌曲 无尽汪洋 12
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC南太平洋


[00:00.35] These turtles navigate their way across 1,000 miles of featureless ocean
[00:04.89] to reach these tiny, isolated islands.
[00:08.95] Perhaps they use their super-charged sense of smell
[00:11.89] to detect the traces of land in the ocean currents.
[00:15.21] Or maybe, like the seabirds,
[00:17.42] they too have an internal magnetic compass.
[00:20.67] But however they do it,
[00:21.98] when they're ready to nest,
[00:23.57] females return to the very same beach on which they were born.
[00:28.24] Just as she arrives,
[00:29.91] others are preparing to leave.
[00:32.42] These seven-month-old black-footed albatross chicks
[00:35.57] have recently been abandoned by their parents.
[00:38.34] And now, driven by hunger,
[00:40.56] it's their time to get airborne.
[00:43.26] Unfortunately, with space at a premium,
[00:45.42] there is little room for manoeuvre,
[00:47.40] and they must make their maiden flights over water.
[00:51.02] But this is no place for a paddle.


[00:00.35] zhèi xiē hǎi guī yí lù háng xíng yóu guò 1000 yīng lǐ méi yǒu biāo shì de hǎi yáng
[00:04.89] dǐ dá zhèi xiē piān yuǎn de xiǎo dǎo
[00:08.95] yě xǔ tā men tōng guò nà chāo hū xún cháng de xiù jué
[00:11.89] zài yáng liú zhōng xún zhǎo lù dì de zōng jī
[00:15.21] yòu huò xǔ, jiù xiàng hǎi niǎo yí yàng
[00:17.42] tā men tǐ nèi yě yǒu cí luó pán
[00:20.67] bù guǎn tā men shì rú hé zuò dào de
[00:21.98] dāng tā men zhǔn bèi zhù cháo de shí hòu
[00:23.57] cí xìng hǎi guī huì fǎn huí dào tā men chū shēng de nà piàn hǎi tān
[00:28.24] jiù zài tā dào dá shí
[00:29.91] qí tā dòng wù zhèng zài zhǔn bèi lí kāi
[00:32.42] zhèi xiē qī ge yuè dà de hēi jiǎo xìn tiān wēng yòu chú
[00:35.57] gāng gāng bèi tā men de fù mǔ yí qì le
[00:38.34] ér xiàn zài, chū yú jī è
[00:40.56] shì shí hòu qǐ fēi le
[00:43.26] bù xìng de shì, kōng jiān yǒu xiàn
[00:45.42] kě yǐ liàn xí fēi xíng de kōng jiān hěn xiǎo
[00:47.40] tā men bì xū xiān zài hǎi miàn shàng jìn xíng shì fēi
[00:51.02] dàn shì zhè lǐ bìng bù shì hé xì shuǐ