无尽汪洋 24

歌曲 无尽汪洋 24
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC南太平洋


[00:00.54] Richard: Got a very positive feeling about today.
[00:03.56] The conditions are improving.
[00:05.62] Lots of sharks around, come to, close to the boat.
[00:08.68] I think they're inviting us in.
[00:11.12] Narration: But filming a successful strike from underwater required a different strategy.
[00:15.84] No longer worried about being hit from below,
[00:19.35] Richard and Doug opted for the quieter approach of snorkelling at the surface,
[00:24.51] only going under at the final moment .
[00:29.51] Would this new technique work?
[00:34.13] From the surface, the signs were good.
[00:40.26] and John was once again following the action from his platform.
[00:53.22] So, how did it go for Richard?
[00:56.41] Richard: Unbelievable! That happened in a second! It was out of nowhere!
[01:03.67] Doug: My first hint that something was happening was when I saw a bunch of bubbles around the bird.
[01:09.10] Then, I could kinda see the shape of the shark.
[01:12.84] Richard: That is the most astonishing thing I've ever seen.
[01:19.03] Narration: But there was more to this story.
[01:20.99] Richard: You know, you've got this incredible predator
[01:22.91] who's lurking around and you know he's out there or she's out there.
[01:25.84] You know this animal is circling you.
[01:28.33] You can't see it, it can see you.
[01:29.72] And so, you can't help now and again just to look away for a second,
[01:34.02] and in that split second on this occasion that I looked away, the shark hit.
[01:40.91] The power of the animal as it took the albatross was on the one hand terrifying,
[01:46.98] but on the other hand completely transfixing.
[01:53.30] I think that shot's going to haunt me for the rest of my life
[01:56.62] Narration: Richard may only have filmed half the strike,
[01:59.60] but in the end, given the nervousness of the sharks,
[02:03.13] he was lucky to get even that.


[00:00.54] wǒ jīn tiān gǎn jué bù cuò
[00:03.56] qíng kuàng gǎi biàn le
[00:05.62] hěn duō shā yú jiù zài zhōu wéi, zài kào jìn wǒ men de chuán
[00:08.68] wǒ xiǎng tā men shì zài yāo qǐng wǒ men
[00:11.12] dàn shì cóng shuǐ xià pāi shè shā yú de gōng jī xū yào yí gè bù yí yàng de cè lüè
[00:15.84] yīn wèi bù yòng zài dān xīn cóng bèi hòu bèi xí jī
[00:19.35] lǐ chá dé hé dào gé xuǎn zé qiāo qiāo dì fú zài shuǐ miàn
[00:24.51] zhī zài zuì hòu shí kè qián rù shuǐ dǐ
[00:29.51] zhè gè xīn de cè lüè néng chéng gōng ma?
[00:34.13] zài shuǐ miàn shàng, shì xiàn gèng hǎo
[00:40.26] yuē hàn zài cì zài chuán bǎn shàng bǔ zhuō dào le jìng tóu
[00:53.22] nà me lǐ chá dé nà lǐ zěn yàng le ne?
[00:56.41] nán yǐ zhì xìn! jiǎn zhí shì yī shùn zhī jiān, shā yú jiù píng kōng chū xiàn le!
[01:03.67] dāng wǒ kàn dào xìn tiān wēng zhōu wéi chū xiàn yī tuán qì pào shí, wǒ dì yī fǎn yìng shì yǒu shì yào fā shēng
[01:09.10] rán hòu, wǒ yǐn yuē kàn dào le shā yú de lún kuò
[01:12.84] zhè shì wǒ jiàn guò de zuì jīng xīn dòng pò de shì qíng
[01:19.03] dàn zhè gè gù shì yuǎn bù zhǐ rú cǐ
[01:20.99] nǐ zhī dào, fù jìn jiù qián fú zhe yí gè bù kě sī yì de lüè shí zhě
[01:22.91] ér qiě nǐ zhī dào tā tā jiù zài nà li
[01:25.84] nǐ néng gǎn jué dào tā jiù zài wéi zhe nǐ zhuǎn
[01:28.33] dàn shì nǐ kàn bú jiàn tā, tā què néng kàn jiàn nǐ
[01:29.72] ér dāng nǐ rěn bú zhù zài xiàng sì zhōu huán gù yī quān shí
[01:34.02] jiù zài wǒ niǔ guò tóu de yī shùn jiān, shā yú chū jī le
[01:40.91] shā yú xí jī xìn tiān wēng shǐ chū de lì dào yī fāng miàn lìng wǒ kǒng jù
[01:46.98] lìng yī fāng miàn shì jué duì de zhèn hàn
[01:53.30] wǒ xiǎng, zhè yī huà miàn jiāng huì yī zhí liú zài wǒ de yìn xiàng lǐ
[01:56.62] lǐ chá dé huò xǔ zhǐ pāi shè dào xí jī guò chéng de yī bàn
[01:59.60] dàn chǔ zài shā yú huán sì zài cè de jǐn zhāng jìng dì xià
[02:03.13] pāi dào zhè yī bàn tā yǐ jīng hěn xìng yùn le