漂流者 19

歌曲 漂流者 19
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC南太平洋


[00:00.94] They're generated by underwater landslides and earthquakes
[00:04.35] Known as tsunamis,
[00:05.94] they can flatten coastlines
[00:09.20] Yet these destructive forces may have also brought life to some islands
[00:15.24] As tsunamis strike the coast,
[00:17.28] rafts of vegetation could be cast adrift
[00:20.28] Perhaps animals were caught up in those rafts too
[00:24.14] Could this have been the answer to how these animals made it to Fiji?
[00:28.17] After all, they are the hardest of their kind and could have survived long sea journeys
[00:33.18] Fiji's first animals washed up tens of millions of years ago
[00:37.48] But humans were slow off the block
[00:40.32] They only arrived here three and a half thousand years ago
[00:43.43] Their history remains thin on the ground
[00:46.51] The ruins of Nan Madol are one of only two ancient cities ever found in the Pacific
[00:52.29] With archaeological evidence so scarce,
[00:55.15] the origins of the first people in the central Pacific were hotly debated
[00:59.82] Were they Papuans From New Guinea,
[01:02.27] native Indians from the Americas,
[01:04.49] or another race of people from Asia


[00:00.94] zhèi xiē jù dà de hǎi làng xíng chéng yú shuǐ xià huá pō yǔ dì zhèn
[00:04.35] tā men bèi chēng wéi hǎi xiào
[00:05.94] néng gòu yí píng hǎi àn xiàn
[00:09.20] jǐn guǎn shì huǐ miè xìng de lì liàng tā men kě néng yě wèi yī xiē dǎo yǔ dài qù le shēng mìng
[00:15.24] dāng hǎi xiào xí jī hǎi àn shí
[00:17.28] dà liàng de zhí bèi piāo dàng chū qù
[00:20.28] yī xiē dòng wù kě néng yě bèi jiā dài zài qí zhōng
[00:24.14] zhè kě néng shì zhèi xiē dòng wù shì rú hé lái dào fěi jì de dá àn ma?
[00:28.17] bì jìng tā men shì gè zì wù zhǒng zhōng zuì wán qiáng de bìng qiě cóng màn cháng de hǎi shàng bá shè zhōng xìng cún le xià lái
[00:33.18] zǎo zài jǐ qiān wàn nián qián dì yī pī dòng wù jiù bèi chōng shàng le fěi jì de hǎi àn
[00:37.48] ér rén lèi zé yào wǎn lái de duō
[00:40.32] zhí dào 3500 nián qián rén lèi cái tà zú fěi jì
[00:43.43] tā men zài lù dì shàng liú xià de yí jī shén shǎo
[00:46.51] nán mǎ dōu ěr yí zhǐ shì tài píng yáng zhōng bèi fā xiàn de wéi èr gǔ dài chéng shì zhī yī
[00:52.29] yóu yú quē fá kǎo gǔ zhèng jù
[00:55.15] guān yú zhōng bù tài píng yáng de dì yí ge rén lèi zú qún chū zì nǎ lǐ zhēng lùn jī liè
[00:59.82] tā men shì lái zì xīn jǐ nèi yà de bā bù yà rén
[01:02.27] hái shì lái zì měi zhōu de tǔ zhù yìn dì ān rén
[01:04.49] yòu huò shì lái zì yà zhōu de lìng yí ge rén zhǒng