火山列岛 04

歌曲 火山列岛 04
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC南太平洋


[00:00.60] Pouring into the sea, Hawaii's lava has forged almost two and a half square kilometres of new land in less than 25 years
[00:10.01] It's cold, hard rock - bleak, threatening and barren
[00:16.94] But there are some colonisers who just won't be put off
[00:20.98] 'Ohi'a lehua, a native plant and symbol of Hawaii, is among the first to flourish on this new land
[00:30.71] This spindly bush will grow into a 30-metre-tall tree, its bright flowers are food for a variety of birds, like these Hawaiian honeycreepers
[00:41.42] But how on earth can a seed become a tree in a place where there is no soil and no sign of fresh water?


[00:00.60] xià wēi yí huǒ shān de yán jiāng bù tíng dì yǒng rù hǎi yáng, tóng shí tā zài zài 25 nián bú dào de shí jiān lǐ jī hū xíng chéng le 2. 5 píng fāng gōng lǐ de xīn dǎo yǔ
[00:10.01] yán shí yòu lěng yòu yìng, àn dàn, pín jí qiě chōng mǎn wēi xié
[00:16.94] rán ér yī xiē zhí mín zhě kě bú huì jiù cǐ bèi zǔ zhǐ
[00:20.98] táo jīn niáng shù, yī zhǒng běn dì zhí wù, yě shì xià wēi yí de xiàng zhēng, shì zuì xiān zài zhè piàn xīn tǔ dì shàng fán róng qǐ lái de shēng mìng zhī yī
[00:30.71] zhèi xiē xì cháng de guàn mù huì cháng chéng 30 mǐ gāo de shù, tā suǒ jié de míng liàng huā duǒ shì xǔ duō niǎo lèi rú mù què de shí wù
[00:41.42] bù guò dào dǐ yī lì zhǒng zi rú hé néng zài yí gè méi yǒu tǔ rǎng hé dàn shuǐ de dì fāng cháng chéng yī kē shù ne?