火山列岛 06

歌曲 火山列岛 06
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC南太平洋


[00:00.0] Rare crickets scale the rocks
[00:02.97] while translucent earwigs
[00:05.14] and milky millipedes forage for food
[00:09.20] These are cave specialists,
[00:11.65] or troglobites,
[00:13.1] and they never leave the lava tube
[00:15.28] Over time,most have lost their eyes and colour,
[00:18.13] like this plant hopper
[00:20.23] Its tail has a curious function
[00:23.30] Any predator biting it from behind
[00:25.25] will be left with nothing but a mouthful of irritating waxy hair
[00:30.0] This is a place of ghostly stillness -
[00:33.17] a definite advantage for the small-eyed big-eyed hunting spider
[00:37.75] With its super-sensitive leg hairs,
[00:40.24] it can pick up the slightest movement in the air,
[00:43.77] and it senses the cricket's presence
[00:46.3] long before it's close enough to ambush
[00:49.0] As prey are few and far between,
[00:51.99] this may be its last meal for some time
[00:54.52] With no light and little vegetation,
[00:57.8] only the specialists survive here
[01:00.53] But that isn't the case for all lava tubes


[00:00.0] xī yǒu de xī shuài pān pá zhe yán shí
[00:02.97] ér bàn tòu míng de qú sōu
[00:05.14] hé rǔ bái de duō zú chóng xún zhǎo zháo shí wù
[00:09.20] tā men shì dòng xué zhuān huà wù zhǒng
[00:11.65] yě chēng xué jū shēng wù
[00:13.1] tā men cóng bù lí kāi róng yán guǎn
[00:15.28] suí zhe shí jiān de tuī yí, tā men tuì huà le yǎn jīng hé yán sè
[00:18.13] jiù xiàng zhè zhǐ là chán yě chēng fēi shī
[00:20.23] tā de wěi bù yǒu zhe qí guài de zuò yòng
[00:23.30] rèn hé cóng qí bèi hòu gōng jī de bǔ shí zhě
[00:25.25] zhǐ huì de dào yī zuǐ de cì jī xìng de là zhì máo fà
[00:30.0] zhè shì yí gè jì jìng dé guǐ yì de dì fāng
[00:33.17] duì dà xiǎo yǎn shòu liè zhī zhū què shì jué duì yōu shì
[00:37.75] píng jiè zhe chāo líng mǐn de tuǐ bù róng máo
[00:40.24] tā kě yǐ bǔ zhuō dào kōng qì zhōng zuì qīng wēi de dòng jìng
[00:43.77] tā kě yǐ gǎn zhī dào xī shuài de cún zài
[00:46.3] zǎo zài jìn dào kě yǐ fú jī qián
[00:49.0] yóu yú bǔ shí cì shù shǎo ér qiě jiàn gé yuǎn
[00:51.99] zhè kě néng jiù shì jìn qī zuì hòu yī dùn le
[00:54.52] méi yǒu guāng yǔ shǎo liàng zhí wù
[00:57.8] zhǐ yǒu zhèi xiē zhuān huà wù zhǒng cún huó zài zhè lǐ
[01:00.53] dàn zhè bù suǒ yǒu róng yán guǎn de qíng kuàng