火山列岛 09

歌曲 火山列岛 09
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC南太平洋


[ti:火山列岛 09]
[00:00.000] This is Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano and Hawaii's tallest mountain.
[00:07:130] Incredibly for a tropical island, its peak is covered with snow.
[00:12.070] Little can survive at such freezing heights. Bugs blown up here don't stand a chance.
[00:19.080] Stunned or trapped in snow, they slowly die.
[00:23.470] But not everything succumbs to the cold.
[00:31.270] Their cells are filled with a special kind of antifreeze that allows them to live around the snow line.
[00:37.670] Originally, wekiu bugs were seed-eating vegetarians, but their descendants have adapted to this hostile environment.
[00:45.720] Now with a taste for blood, they are the Pacific's own vampire bugs.
[00:51.890] Needle-sharp mouthparts pierce their dead and dying victims before they suck out anything that's left inside.


ar: yīng yǔ tīng lì
ti: huǒ shān liè dǎo 09
al: BBC nán tài píng yáng
[00:00.000] This is Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano and Hawaii' s tallest mountain.
[00:07:130] Incredibly for a tropical island, its peak is covered with snow.
[00:12.070] Little can survive at such freezing heights. Bugs blown up here don' t stand a chance.
[00:19.080] Stunned or trapped in snow, they slowly die.
[00:23.470] But not everything succumbs to the cold.
[00:31.270] Their cells are filled with a special kind of antifreeze that allows them to live around the snow line.
[00:37.670] Originally, wekiu bugs were seedeating vegetarians, but their descendants have adapted to this hostile environment.
[00:45.720] Now with a taste for blood, they are the Pacific' s own vampire bugs.
[00:51.890] Needlesharp mouthparts pierce their dead and dying victims before they suck out anything that' s left inside.


ar: yīng yǔ tīng lì
ti: huǒ shān liè dǎo 09
al: BBC nán tài píng yáng
[00:00.000] zhè shì mò nà kè yà shān, yī zuò xiū mián de huǒ shān, bìng qiě shì xià wēi yí zuì gāo de shān fēng.
[00:07:130] nán yǐ zhì xìn de shì, duì yú zhè yàng yī zuò rè dài de dǎo yǔ, tā mò nà yà kè shān de shān fēng què bèi xuě fù gài.
[00:12.070] hěn shǎo yǒu shēng wù kě yǐ zài zhè yàng jí lěng de gāo dù shàng cún huó. bèi fēng chuī dào zhè lái de kūn chóng méi yǒu jī huì cún huó.
[00:19.080] tā men yào me hūn mí, yào me bèi kùn zài xuě zhōng, rán hòu màn màn sǐ qù.
[00:23.470] dàn bìng bú shì suǒ yǒu dōng xī dōu huì xiàng yán hán qū fú.
[00:27.580] These tiny creatures are wekiu bugs. zhèi xiē wēi xiǎo de shēng wù míng wéi Wekiu chóng?.
[00:31.270] tā men de xì bāo bèi yī zhǒng tè shū de kàng níng jì tián chōng, yīn cǐ tā men kě yǐ zài xuě xiàn fù jìn de gāo dù shēng huó.
[00:37.670] zuì chū, Wekiu chóng shì yǐ zhǒng zi wèi shí de sù shí zhě, dàn tā men de hòu dài yǐ jīng shì yìng le zhè è liè de huán jìng.
[00:45.720] xiàn zài, bàn zhe xuè de qì xī, tā men shì tài píng yáng shàng tè yǒu de xī xiě kūn chóng.
[00:51.890] zhēn zhuàng de kǒu qì huì cì chuān tā men yǐ sǐ huò bīn lín sǐ wáng de liè wù, zhí zhì tā men bèi xī shí dé shén me dōu bù shèng.