火山列岛 12

歌曲 火山列岛 12
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC南太平洋


[00:00.15] Daylight reveals another reef predator.
[00:05.50] Crown-of-thorns starfish,
[00:09.00] coral killers.
[00:10.78] Climbing over their prey,
[00:12.15] they secrete digestive juices that turn the inside of the coral to liquid.
[00:17.02] Then they suck out the nutrients,
[00:19.66] leaving nothing behind but a ghostly skeleton.
[00:22.78] In only a few days,
[00:23.99] they can kill huge swathes of the reef.
[00:27.55] Fortunately, coral has an unlikely ally,
[00:32.28] the Triton's trumpet.
[00:34.98] Believe it or not,
[00:36.29] this is a predator on the prowl.
[00:40.34] Its killer pounce revealed only when time is speeded up.
[00:45.22] An unlikely hero, perhaps.
[00:47.71] But the Triton's trumpet is an invaluable control on these starfish.
[00:53.08] And the crown-of-thorns isn't the only coral killer on the reef.
[00:57.75] The razor-sharp beaks of bumphead parrotfish
[01:00.94] also put a dent in this living landscape.


[00:00.15] rì guāng jiē shì le lìng yí gè àn jiāo shàng de bǔ shí zhě
[00:05.50] jīng jí wáng guān hǎi xīng
[00:09.00] shān hú shā shǒu
[00:10.78] jīng jí wáng guān hǎi xīng pá guò tā men de liè wù
[00:12.15] fēn mì chū néng shǐ shān hú nèi bù biàn chéng yè tǐ de xiāo huà yè
[00:17.02] rán hòu tā men xī shōu xiāo huà yè zhōng de yíng yǎng
[00:19.66] zhǐ liú xià yī ge yōu líng bān de gǔ jià
[00:22.78] jǐn jǐn zài jǐ tiān zhī nèi
[00:23.99] tā men kě yǐ shā sǐ dà piàn de shān hú
[00:27.55] xìng yùn de shì shān hú yǒu yí gè bù suàn shì méng yǒu de méng yǒu
[00:32.28] dà fǎ luó
[00:34.98] xìn bù xìn yóu nǐ
[00:36.29] zhè shì yí gè sì jī ér dòng de bǔ shí zhě
[00:40.34] zhǐ yǒu shí jiān jiā kuài, zhè zhǐ shā shǒu de" tū xí" cái néng xiǎn xiàn chū lái
[00:45.22] zhè dà gài shì yí gè bù xiàng yīng xióng de yīng xióng
[00:47.71] dàn shì dà fǎ luó tí gōng le duì zhèi xiē hǎi xīng bǎo guì de kòng zhì
[00:53.08] jīng jí wáng guān hǎi xīng bìng bú shì shān hú jiāo shàng wéi yī de shān hú shā shǒu
[00:57.75] lóng tóu yīng zuǐ yú de fēng lì de zuǐ
[01:00.94] yě huì zài shān hú jiāo shàng liú xià bù měi hǎo de jǐng xiàng