脆弱天堂 04

歌曲 脆弱天堂 04
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC南太平洋


Sea butterflies are such important food for so many marine animals they have been dubbed the ''potato chips of the ocean''. But they could be under threat from all that extra carbon dioxide. Dissolved carbon dioxide is slowly turning the water more acidic, making it harder for sea butterflies to build their calcium shells. The loss of these swimming ''potato chips'' would have repercussions right up the food chain. And with a billion people around the world dependent on fish for their protein, fewer fish would clearly be bad news for people too. Of course, there's no need to worry, if the greenhouse gases are brought under control. or is there? Although the burning of fossil fuels is often viewed as the biggest environmental threat, here in the Pacific there are more pressing concerns. The fish may disappear long before the impact of climate change really takes hold. A leading group of ecologists recently predicted that in just 40 years, seafood will be off the menu.


Sea butterflies are such important food for so many marine animals they have been dubbed the '' potato chips of the ocean''. But they could be under threat from all that extra carbon dioxide. Dissolved carbon dioxide is slowly turning the water more acidic, making it harder for sea butterflies to build their calcium shells. The loss of these swimming '' potato chips'' would have repercussions right up the food chain. And with a billion people around the world dependent on fish for their protein, fewer fish would clearly be bad news for people too. Of course, there' s no need to worry, if the greenhouse gases are brought under control. or is there? Although the burning of fossil fuels is often viewed as the biggest environmental threat, here in the Pacific there are more pressing concerns. The fish may disappear long before the impact of climate change really takes hold. A leading group of ecologists recently predicted that in just 40 years, seafood will be off the menu.
duì yú xǔ duō de hǎi yáng dòng wù hǎi hú dié shì tā men fēi cháng zhòng yào de shí wù, hǎi hú dié bèi chēng wéi" hǎi yáng zhōng de zhá shǔ tiáo". dàn shì yóu yú dà qì zhōng de èr yǎng huà tàn zēng duō, tā men jiāng shòu dào wēi xié. hǎi shuǐ róng jiě èr yǎng huà tàn yú shì màn màn de hǎi shuǐ biàn de yuè lái yuè suān, zhè huì yǐng xiǎng hǎi hú dié xíng chéng zhǔ yào chéng fèn wèi gài de ké. hǎi yáng sǔn shī le zhèi xiē huì yóu dòng de" hǎi yáng shǔ piàn" jìn ér huì yǐng xiǎng zhěng gè hǎi yáng shí wù liàn. shì jiè shang yǒu jìn shí yì de rén yī lài yú yè yǐ jí xī shōu yú lèi shēn shàng de dàn bái zhì, yóu hǎi hú dié jiǎn shǎo ér dǎo zhì de yú lèi jiǎn shǎo duì tā men lái shuō yě shì gè huài xiāo xī. dāng rán, rú guǒ wēn shì xiào yìng qì tǐ de pái fàng dé dào kòng zhì, yě méi yǒu bì yào tài dān xīn. dàn shì shì shí què shì rú cǐ ma? jǐn guǎn rán shāo kuàng wù rán liào tōng cháng bèi shì wéi shì duì huán jìng zuì dà de wēi xié, dàn xiàn zài zài tài píng yáng zé yǒu gèng jǐn pò de wèn tí xū yào miàn duì. yú lèi huì zài qì hòu biàn huà suǒ zào chéng de yǐng xiǎng tè bié xiǎn zhù zhī qián jiù huì miè jué. shēng wù xué jiā lǐng dǎo xiǎo zǔ zuì jìn yù cè dà gài zài 40 nián nèi, cān guǎn de cài dān shàng jiù bú huì yǒu hǎi chǎn pǐn le.