脆弱天堂 20

歌曲 脆弱天堂 20
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC南太平洋


There are 150 tonnes of fish in this one haul. It used to take a fishing vessel one whole year to catch this many fish. These are mostly yellowfin tuna, plus some skipjack. As they're slower breeders than skipjack, many yellowfin are caught before they're old enough to breed. This makes them more vulnerable to over-fishing. Tuna fishing has grown into an 8-billion-dollar industry. And over 4 million tonnes of tuna are caught worldwide each year, a four-fold increase in as many decades. Almost 2/3 of the catch now comes from the Pacific. In the Atlantic, yellowfin catches have been shrinking since 1990. Now a similar decline has begun in the Pacific. Tuna need to swim constantly to keep water flowing over their gills, otherwise they can't breathe. The fishermen want to get them out of the water as quickly as possible. When starved of oxygen, a build-up of lactic acid in their muscles causes the quality of their meat to deteriorate.
这一批渔获共有150吨,相当于早期每艘渔船一年的渔获量。这里面多数是黄鳍鲔(念wěi ,金枪鱼的一种)和鲣鱼。因其繁殖速度较鲣鱼慢,所以捕到的黄鳍鲔多未成熟。这导致它们更容易因滥捕而锐减。捕捞金枪鱼已发展成为一项产值达80亿的产业。全球每年的金枪鱼捕获量超过四百万吨,几十年来渔获量增加了四倍。其中近三分之二来自太平洋。大西洋的黄鳍鲔产量自1990年开始减少。现在太平洋的渔获量也呈现出类似的下降趋势。金枪鱼必须不断游动,让水流过鱼鳃,否则它们就无法呼吸。渔民要尽快把它们弄出水面。如果缺氧过久,金枪鱼肌肉内部形成的乳酸会使肉质变差。


There are 150 tonnes of fish in this one haul. It used to take a fishing vessel one whole year to catch this many fish. These are mostly yellowfin tuna, plus some skipjack. As they' re slower breeders than skipjack, many yellowfin are caught before they' re old enough to breed. This makes them more vulnerable to overfishing. Tuna fishing has grown into an 8billiondollar industry. And over 4 million tonnes of tuna are caught worldwide each year, a fourfold increase in as many decades. Almost 2 3 of the catch now comes from the Pacific. In the Atlantic, yellowfin catches have been shrinking since 1990. Now a similar decline has begun in the Pacific. Tuna need to swim constantly to keep water flowing over their gills, otherwise they can' t breathe. The fishermen want to get them out of the water as quickly as possible. When starved of oxygen, a buildup of lactic acid in their muscles causes the quality of their meat to deteriorate.
zhè yī pī yú huò gòng yǒu 150 dūn, xiāng dāng yú zǎo qī měi sōu yú chuán yī nián de yú huò liàng. zhè lǐ miàn duō shù shì huáng qí wěi niàn wě i , jīn qiāng yú de yī zhǒng hé jiān yú. yīn qí fán zhí sù dù jiào jiān yú màn, suǒ yǐ bǔ dào de huáng qí wěi duō wèi chéng shú. zhè dǎo zhì tā men gèng róng yì yīn làn bǔ ér ruì jiǎn. bǔ lāo jīn qiāng yú yǐ fā zhǎn chéng wéi yī xiàng chǎn zhí dá 80 yì de chǎn yè. quán qiú měi nián de jīn qiāng yú bǔ huò liàng chāo guò sì bǎi wàn dūn, jǐ shí nián lái yú huò liàng zēng jiā le sì bèi. qí zhōng jìn sān fēn zhī èr lái zì tài píng yáng. dà xī yáng de huáng qí wěi chǎn liàng zì 1990 nián kāi shǐ jiǎn shǎo. xiàn zài tài píng yáng de yú huò liàng yě chéng xiàn chū lèi sì de xià jiàng qū shì. jīn qiāng yú bì xū bù duàn yóu dòng, ràng shuǐ liú guò yú sāi, fǒu zé tā men jiù wú fǎ hū xī. yú mín yào jǐn kuài bǎ tā men nòng chū shuǐ miàn. rú guǒ quē yǎng guò jiǔ, jīn qiāng yú jī ròu nèi bù xíng chéng de rǔ suān huì shǐ ròu zhì biàn chà.