潮涌海岸 45

歌曲 潮涌海岸 45
歌手 英语听力
专辑 【BBC美丽中国】潮涌海岸


[00:00.000] Oysters were seeded on the piers and ever since,
[00:02.300] their concretions have helped cement the granite blocks together.
[00:14.450] Today, oysters are still cultivated here in the traditional way by Hui'an women.
[00:21.370] Stones are stood in the mudflats below the bridge to encourage the oysters to grow.
[01:09.120] Luoyang Bridge is now mainly used by locals carrying goods across the estuary towards the coastal ports.


[00:00.000] zài qiáo dūn shàng yǎng zhí mǔ lì zhī hòu,
[00:02.300] lì yòng tā men de níng gù wù kě yǐ jiāng huā gǎng yán jiāo hé níng jié qǐ lái.
[00:14.450] rú jīn, huì ān de nǚ rén men réng yòng chuán tǒng de fāng fǎ zài zhè lǐ yǎng zhí mǔ lì.
[00:21.370] yì lì zài qiáo xià de ní tān zhī zhōng de yán shí kě yǐ shǐ mǔ lì fù zhuó shēng zhǎng.
[01:09.120] rú jīn dāng dì rén zhǔ yào yòng luò yáng qiáo lái yùn sòng huò wù chuān guò hé kǒu dào gǎng kǒu qù.