
歌曲 电子邮件(2/3)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 【白领英语】


Morning Anna. Hello. Let me guess, Paul just spoke to you about your email? How do you know? You copied me in remember, I just read it, or tried to. But what's the problem? Other people write like that. No, maybe some people write text messages like that in an SMS message on their phones, but that is completely the wrong style for an email to a client. Okay Anna, let's stop listening to Tom, he's a waste of space. These are the kinds of phrases you need in a business-related email. Dear Mr Lime, I hope you're well. I'm writing regarding. Please could you confirm? Yours sincerely, or Best wishes. Thank you, I'll rewrite my message. There, I'd better get it checked before I send. Denise? Yes, the other problem with Stephanie is that her legs are just too long. Oh, she's on the phone. Yes, like trees. I'll have to ask Tom. Tom? Mm? Could you read this through before I send it? Hang on, Anna. Just let me just finish this sentence. It's really important. Right, I'm ready. Let's have a look. Okay.
早上好,Anna。 你好。 我猜猜看,Paul 刚刚和你谈了你的邮件的事吧? 你怎么知道? 你也抄送了我一份,记得吗?我刚刚看了,或者是试着看。 那到底有什么问题?其他人也是这么写的。 不。也许其他人只是在发送手机短信的时候才这样写,但是以这种形式写邮件给顾客是完全错误的。 好了,Anna。我们不要再听Tom瞎扯了,他毫无用武之地。以下是一些你在写商务相关邮件时需要的词组。 亲爱的Lime先生,我希望你一切都好。致以诚挚的问候。请问你可以确认。。。吗? 您真诚的 或者最美好的祝福。 谢谢。我还是重写我的邮件吧。这里,我最好在发送之前让人检查一下。Denise? 是的。Stephanie的另一个问题是她的腿太长了。 哦,她在打电话。 就是的说,像树一样。 看来我只能问Tom了。Tom? 恩? 你可以在我发送这封邮件之前帮我看一下吗? 稍等,Anna。让我先写完这个句子。这个非常重要。好了,我弄好了。让我看一下。好的。


Morning Anna. Hello. Let me guess, Paul just spoke to you about your email? How do you know? You copied me in remember, I just read it, or tried to. But what' s the problem? Other people write like that. No, maybe some people write text messages like that in an SMS message on their phones, but that is completely the wrong style for an email to a client. Okay Anna, let' s stop listening to Tom, he' s a waste of space. These are the kinds of phrases you need in a businessrelated email. Dear Mr Lime, I hope you' re well. I' m writing regarding. Please could you confirm? Yours sincerely, or Best wishes. Thank you, I' ll rewrite my message. There, I' d better get it checked before I send. Denise? Yes, the other problem with Stephanie is that her legs are just too long. Oh, she' s on the phone. Yes, like trees. I' ll have to ask Tom. Tom? Mm? Could you read this through before I send it? Hang on, Anna. Just let me just finish this sentence. It' s really important. Right, I' m ready. Let' s have a look. Okay.
zǎo shàng hǎo, Anna. nǐ hǎo. wǒ cāi cāi kàn, Paul gāng gāng hé nǐ tán le nǐ de yóu jiàn de shì ba? nǐ zěn me zhī dào? nǐ yě chāo sòng le wǒ yī fèn, jì de ma? wǒ gāng gāng kàn le, huò zhě shì shì zhe kàn. nà dào dǐ yǒu shén me wèn tí? qí tā rén yě shì zhè me xiě de. bù. yě xǔ qí tā rén zhǐ shì zài fā sòng shǒu jī duǎn xìn de shí hòu cái zhè yàng xiě, dàn shì yǐ zhè zhǒng xíng shì xiě yóu jiàn gěi gù kè shì wán quán cuò wù de. hǎo le, Anna. wǒ men bú yào zài tīng Tom xiā chě le, tā háo wú yòng wǔ zhī dì. yǐ xià shì yī xiē nǐ zài xiě shāng wù xiāng guān yóu jiàn shí xū yào de cí zǔ. qīn ài de Lime xiān shēng, wǒ xī wàng nǐ yī qiè dōu hǎo. zhì yǐ chéng zhì de wèn hòu. qǐng wèn nǐ kě yǐ què rèn... ma? nín zhēn chéng de huò zhě zuì měi hǎo de zhù fú. xiè xiè. wǒ hái shì chóng xiě wǒ de yóu jiàn ba. zhè lǐ, wǒ zuì hǎo zài fā sòng zhī qián ràng rén jiǎn chá yī xià. Denise? shì de. Stephanie de lìng yí gè wèn tí shì tā de tuǐ tài zhǎng le. ó, tā zài dǎ diàn huà. jiù shì de shuō, xiàng shù yí yàng. kàn lái wǒ zhǐ néng wèn Tom le. Tom? ēn? nǐ kě yǐ zài wǒ fā sòng zhè fēng yóu jiàn zhī qián bāng wǒ kàn yī xià ma? shāo děng, Anna. ràng wǒ xiān xiě wán zhè gè jù zi. zhè gè fēi cháng zhòng yào. hǎo le, wǒ nòng hǎo le. ràng wǒ kàn yī xià. hǎo de.