
歌曲 检查信息(2/3)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 【白领英语】


Mr Ingle, I don't think we've met yet. I'm Anna. Hello. What are you doing with those boxes? I told you to put them in storage. Anna, eh? Yes, sorry to bother you, I just want to check something. We've had a few problems with orders. Well, that's not my fault. I do exactly what I'm asked to do. No, not there, in storage. Oh, well, I just want to make sure that. 30 years I've been doing this job, and I've never made a mistake. Of course, but because we've had problems, we need to make absolutely sure that all deliveries are correct. Humph. Could you possibly clarify what went out in today's delivery to Mr Berry of, er, Bluetree Enterprises? 500 redcurrants. Right. That's fine. Well done Anna, this is going very well. Remember that other phrase. "I just want to check." OK. Now, I just want to check what was sent to Cocoline Limited. It should have been 15 mangos. Yeah. That's right. Great, and just to be absolutely clear, you sent the soft mangos, not the plastic ones? Yes, just like I was told to. Good.
Ingle先生,我觉得我们之前没有见过,我是Anna。 你好,你要怎么处理那些箱子?我告诉过你要把他们放在仓库里,Anna,是吧? 是的,我很抱歉打扰到你。我只是想再次确认一下,因为我们订单上出现了点问题。 那可不是我的错。我做了你们要我做的事,不是这里,在仓库。 我只是想确认。 我做这份工作已经30年了,而且我从来没有犯过错误。 当然,但现在是我们的问题,我们需要再次肯定所有的派送都是正确的。 嗯嗯。您能告诉我今天给Bery先生 Bluetree Enterprise公司的是什么吗? 500红浆果树丛。 对的,非常好。 做得很好Anna,这就对了,记得用短语“我只是想确认。” 现在我只是想确认给Cocoline Limited的是什么,应该是15个芒果。 是的。 非常好,那现在就非常清晰了,你送的是软的芒果,不是塑料那盒吧? 是的,就像我刚刚说的。 好。


Mr Ingle, I don' t think we' ve met yet. I' m Anna. Hello. What are you doing with those boxes? I told you to put them in storage. Anna, eh? Yes, sorry to bother you, I just want to check something. We' ve had a few problems with orders. Well, that' s not my fault. I do exactly what I' m asked to do. No, not there, in storage. Oh, well, I just want to make sure that. 30 years I' ve been doing this job, and I' ve never made a mistake. Of course, but because we' ve had problems, we need to make absolutely sure that all deliveries are correct. Humph. Could you possibly clarify what went out in today' s delivery to Mr Berry of, er, Bluetree Enterprises? 500 redcurrants. Right. That' s fine. Well done Anna, this is going very well. Remember that other phrase. " I just want to check." OK. Now, I just want to check what was sent to Cocoline Limited. It should have been 15 mangos. Yeah. That' s right. Great, and just to be absolutely clear, you sent the soft mangos, not the plastic ones? Yes, just like I was told to. Good.
Ingle xiān shēng, wǒ jué de wǒ men zhī qián méi yǒu jiàn guò, wǒ shì Anna. nǐ hǎo, nǐ yào zěn me chǔ lǐ nèi xiē xiāng zi? wǒ gào sù guò nǐ yào bǎ tā men fàng zài cāng kù lǐ, Anna, shì ba? shì de, wǒ hěn bào qiàn dǎ rǎo dào nǐ. wǒ zhǐ shì xiǎng zài cì què rèn yī xià, yīn wèi wǒ men dìng dān shàng chū xiàn le diǎn wèn tí. nà kě bú shì wǒ de cuò. wǒ zuò le nǐ men yào wǒ zuò de shì, bú shì zhè lǐ, zài cāng kù. wǒ zhǐ shì xiǎng què rèn. wǒ zuò zhè fèn gōng zuò yǐ jīng 30 nián le, ér qiě wǒ cóng lái méi yǒu fàn guò cuò wù. dāng rán, dàn xiàn zài shì wǒ men de wèn tí, wǒ men xū yào zài cì kěn dìng suǒ yǒu de pài sòng dōu shì zhèng què de. . nín néng gào sù wǒ jīn tiān gěi Bery xiān shēng Bluetree Enterprise gōng sī de shì shén me ma? 500 hóng jiāng guǒ shù cóng. duì de, fēi cháng hǎo. zuò de hěn hǎo Anna, zhè jiù duì le, jì de yòng duǎn yǔ" wǒ zhǐ shì xiǎng què rèn." xiàn zài wǒ zhǐ shì xiǎng què rèn gěi Cocoline Limited de shì shén me, yīng gāi shì 15 gè máng guǒ. shì de. fēi cháng hǎo, nà xiàn zài jiù fēi cháng qīng xī le, nǐ sòng de shì ruǎn de máng guǒ, bú shì sù liào nà hé ba? shì de, jiù xiàng wǒ gāng gāng shuō de. hǎo.