
歌曲 表扬(2/3)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 【白领英语】


And Mr Lime ordered grapefruits, but got pineapples. Tom. Yeah, listen. Were you responsible for these errors? Well, yes, but. Look, mistakes happen. But it seems that Mrs Kumquat left our offices even angrier than when she came in and she says she will never use Tip Top Trading again. I tried my best. Hmmm. I understand you told her to spray-paint the bananas and to "stop being such a miserable old witch". Yeah, well look, she'd been very rude to me. If you weren't such a good salesman I would fire you for that. Anna. Yes. Well done. Not only was Mr Lime satisfied that his business would be resolved, but we might even get some extra business from him, thanks to your Imperial Lemon proposal. I hope so. You were in a difficult situation and you handled it well. You remained calm, friendly and professional. So, great job. I'm really impressed. I'm going to… Oh no. It's a call from the USA. Oh god. What? It's the boss. Whose boss? Ours. A big, big boss, based in America.
Tom,Mr Lime订购的是葡萄,但得到是菠萝。 是的。 你对这些错误负责吗? 嗯嗯,但是。 错误已经发生了,但似乎Kumquat太太离开办公室的时候比她进来的时候更加生气,而且她说她在呢不会用Tip Top Trading公司了。 我尽我努力说服她。 嗯嗯,我理解你告诉过她这些香蕉会喷漆,去停止成为一个悲惨的老巫婆。 是的,看起来她对我很不礼貌。 如果你不是一个好的销售员,我一定炒你鱿鱼,Anna。 是的。 做得非常好,不仅仅Lime先生相信问题能解决,我们可能从他那里得到更多的生意,谢谢你的帝王柠檬计划。 我也希望。 你正处于艰难的情境,你处理得很好。你保持着冷静,友好和专业。做得好,我印象很深刻,我准备... 那是谁?哦不,那是来自美国的电话。 我的天啊。 什么? 这是老板? 哪个老板? 我们的老板,最大最大的老板,在美国。


And Mr Lime ordered grapefruits, but got pineapples. Tom. Yeah, listen. Were you responsible for these errors? Well, yes, but. Look, mistakes happen. But it seems that Mrs Kumquat left our offices even angrier than when she came in and she says she will never use Tip Top Trading again. I tried my best. Hmmm. I understand you told her to spraypaint the bananas and to " stop being such a miserable old witch". Yeah, well look, she' d been very rude to me. If you weren' t such a good salesman I would fire you for that. Anna. Yes. Well done. Not only was Mr Lime satisfied that his business would be resolved, but we might even get some extra business from him, thanks to your Imperial Lemon proposal. I hope so. You were in a difficult situation and you handled it well. You remained calm, friendly and professional. So, great job. I' m really impressed. I' m going to Oh no. It' s a call from the USA. Oh god. What? It' s the boss. Whose boss? Ours. A big, big boss, based in America.
Tom, Mr Lime dìng gòu de shì pú táo, dàn dé dào shì bō luó. shì de. nǐ duì zhèi xiē cuò wù fù zé ma? , dàn shì. cuò wù yǐ jīng fā shēng le, dàn sì hū Kumquat tài tài lí kāi bàn gōng shì de shí hòu bǐ tā jìn lái de shí hòu gèng jiā shēng qì, ér qiě tā shuō tā zài ne bú huì yòng Tip Top Trading gōng sī le. wǒ jǐn wǒ nǔ lì shuō fú tā. , wǒ lǐ jiě nǐ gào sù guò tā zhèi xiē xiāng jiāo huì pēn qī, qù tíng zhǐ chéng wéi yí gè bēi cǎn de lǎo wū pó. shì de, kàn qǐ lái tā duì wǒ hěn bù lǐ mào. rú guǒ nǐ bú shì yí gè hǎo de xiāo shòu yuán, wǒ yí dìng chǎo nǐ yóu yú, Anna. shì de. zuò dé fēi cháng hǎo, bù jǐn jǐn Lime xiān shēng xiàng xìn wèn tí néng jiě jué, wǒ men kě néng cóng tā nà lǐ dé dào gèng duō de shēng yì, xiè xiè nǐ de dì wáng níng méng jì huà. wǒ yě xī wàng. nǐ zhèng chǔ yú jiān nán de qíng jìng, nǐ chǔ lǐ de hěn hǎo. nǐ bǎo chí zhe lěng jìng, yǒu hǎo hé zhuān yè. zuò dé hǎo, wǒ yìn xiàng hěn shēn kè, wǒ zhǔn bèi... nà shi shuí? ó bù, nà shi lái zì měi guó de diàn huà. wǒ de tiān a. shén me? zhè shì lǎo bǎn? něi gè lǎo bǎn? wǒ men de lǎo bǎn, zuì dà zuì dà de lǎo bǎn, zài měi guó.