
歌曲 表扬(3/3)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 【白领英语】


Shhhh. Hello? Ah, good afternoon Mr Socrates, I mean, er, morning, ha ha, where you are it's, yes, no, n-yes. I'm not sure. Mrs Kumquat, did she? Well, it was very unfortunate. purple, yes, purple, totally unacceptable, I will. If you'd like I could. Mr Socrates? Hello? Mr Socrates? Oh, he's gone. Right where was I? Tom, great work. Anna, I'm disappointed. No, no, Anna, great work, I want you to take charge of the Imperial Lemon presentation. Tom, if you speak to a client like that again there will be disciplinary action. Mrs Kumquat was so angry she even emailed Mr Socrates. OK, that's it. Phew. What a relief for Anna. Let's listen again to some of the phrases Paul used to praise her. Well done. You were in a difficult situation and you handled it well. So, great job. I'm really impressed. He also explained why he thought Anna had done a good job. You remained calm, friendly and professional. Excellent work Anna. But Tom's mistakes have given everyone a lot of work to do tomorrow. First thing tomorrow we need to sort this mess out. Tom, I want you to phone every single client and check the orders. Anna, you can go to the warehouse and find out what's going on in there.
嘘嘘嘘,你好? Scorates太太下午好,我的意思是,早上好,你在哪里,是,不是...我不确定,Kumquat太太,是吧?这真的很不幸运,紫色,好的,紫色,总的来说不能接受,如果你要我做的话,Scorates太太?Scorates太太,他走了。 Tom,做得好,Anna,我很失望。不是,Anna,做的很好,我想你负责Imperial Lemon的演讲。Tom,如果你跟你的客户还是这样说的话,你要有自制力。Kumquat太太非常生气,甚至她还写电子邮件给Scorates太太,就是这样了。 对Anna来说这是一个安慰,让我们来听听看Paul是怎么赞扬她的吧。 做的很好。 你处于一个很艰难的情境,但你处理得很好。 做得很好,我印象很深刻。 他也解释为什么他觉得Anna做得很好。 你很冷静,友好和专业性。 Anna做得很棒,但Tom的错误导致每个人明天很多事情要做。 首先,明天我们要把这个脏乱的局面先结局。Tom,我要你给每个客户打电话,检查清楚产品的顺序。Anna,你去仓库看看,到底发生了什么事。


Shhhh. Hello? Ah, good afternoon Mr Socrates, I mean, er, morning, ha ha, where you are it' s, yes, no, nyes. I' m not sure. Mrs Kumquat, did she? Well, it was very unfortunate. purple, yes, purple, totally unacceptable, I will. If you' d like I could. Mr Socrates? Hello? Mr Socrates? Oh, he' s gone. Right where was I? Tom, great work. Anna, I' m disappointed. No, no, Anna, great work, I want you to take charge of the Imperial Lemon presentation. Tom, if you speak to a client like that again there will be disciplinary action. Mrs Kumquat was so angry she even emailed Mr Socrates. OK, that' s it. Phew. What a relief for Anna. Let' s listen again to some of the phrases Paul used to praise her. Well done. You were in a difficult situation and you handled it well. So, great job. I' m really impressed. He also explained why he thought Anna had done a good job. You remained calm, friendly and professional. Excellent work Anna. But Tom' s mistakes have given everyone a lot of work to do tomorrow. First thing tomorrow we need to sort this mess out. Tom, I want you to phone every single client and check the orders. Anna, you can go to the warehouse and find out what' s going on in there.
xū xū xū, nǐ hǎo? Scorates tài tài xià wǔ hǎo, wǒ de yì sī shì, zǎo shàng hǎo, nǐ zài nǎ lǐ, shì, bú shì... wǒ bù què dìng, Kumquat tài tài, shì ba? zhè zhēn de hěn bù xìng yùn, zǐ sè, hǎo de, zǐ sè, zǒng de lái shuō bù néng jiē shòu, rú guǒ nǐ yào wǒ zuò de huà, Scorates tài tài? Scorates tài tài, tā zǒu le. Tom, zuò dé hǎo, Anna, wǒ hěn shī wàng. bú shì, Anna, zuò de hěn hǎo, wǒ xiǎng nǐ fù zé Imperial Lemon de yǎn jiǎng. Tom, rú guǒ nǐ gēn nǐ de kè hù hái shì zhè yàng shuō de huà, nǐ yào yǒu zì zhì lì. Kumquat tài tài fēi cháng shēng qì, shèn zhì tā hái xiě diàn zǐ yóu jiàn gěi Scorates tài tài, jiù shì zhè yàng le. duì Anna lái shuō zhè shì yí gè ān wèi, ràng wǒ men lái tīng tīng kàn Paul shì zěn me zàn yáng tā de ba. zuò de hěn hǎo. nǐ chǔ yú yí gè hěn jiān nán de qíng jìng, dàn nǐ chǔ lǐ de hěn hǎo. zuò de hěn hǎo, wǒ yìn xiàng hěn shēn kè. tā yě jiě shì wèi shí me tā jué de Anna zuò de hěn hǎo. nǐ hěn lěng jìng, yǒu hǎo hé zhuān yè xìng. Anna zuò de hěn bàng, dàn Tom de cuò wù dǎo zhì měi ge rén míng tiān hěn duō shì qíng yào zuò. shǒu xiān, míng tiān wǒ men yào bǎ zhè gè zāng luàn de jú miàn xiān jié jú. Tom, wǒ yào nǐ gěi měi gè kè hù dǎ diàn huà, jiǎn chá qīng chǔ chǎn pǐn de shùn xù. Anna, nǐ qù cāng kù kàn kàn, dào dǐ fā shēng le shén me shì.