
歌曲 面试遭打断(2/3)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 【白领英语】


Firstly? Firstly, this job is an ideal match for my skills and experience. I've spent several years working in sales and I get on with people easily. Well, I mean, apart from the ones I don't like, of course. Secondly, I know Tip Top Trading is one of the fastest-growing companies in London, and I want to be part of that. That's absolutely right, Tip Top Trading is the fastest growing company in the plastic fruit sector. But enough about the company, this is all about you, Annabel. Anna. Sorry, Anna. Where were we? Well, I said that firstly, this job is an ideal match for my skills and experience, secondly, the company is growing fast, and, and, above all the reason I want this job is. Yes? Denise. Is everything all right? No Paul, it's not. Everything is not OK. You look pale. Here, sit down, drink what's left of my tea. Oh, thank you. Oh what are those bits floating in it? Oh they're just lumps of soggy biscuit. In fact, if I can just get that bit out with my finger for you. Mmm, delicious.
首先? 首先,这份工作很适合我的能力和经验。在销售岗位上我工作了很多年并且我可以很容易和人们友好的相处。好吧,我的意思是,当然除了我不喜欢的人。第二点,我知道Tip Top 贸易公司是伦敦成长最快的公司之一,同时我想要成为其中的一员。 完全正确,Tip Top贸易公司是在塑料水果行业发展最快的公司。但是对于公司的了解足够了,我们想要了解你的一些事情,安娜贝尔。 安娜。 对不起,安娜。我们说到哪了? 好吧,我说的是,首先这份工作很适合我的能力和经验,第二点,这个公司成长的很快,这点是我想要应聘这份工作的最重要的原因。 是的?丹尼斯。一切正常码? 不,保罗,不是。并不是一切正常。 你看起来很苍白,坐下来,喝点我杯子里面的水吧。 哦,谢谢。漂在上面的是什么? 哦,它们是一些饼干的碎末。实际上,我可以用手指把它弄掉。恩,很美味。


Firstly? Firstly, this job is an ideal match for my skills and experience. I' ve spent several years working in sales and I get on with people easily. Well, I mean, apart from the ones I don' t like, of course. Secondly, I know Tip Top Trading is one of the fastestgrowing companies in London, and I want to be part of that. That' s absolutely right, Tip Top Trading is the fastest growing company in the plastic fruit sector. But enough about the company, this is all about you, Annabel. Anna. Sorry, Anna. Where were we? Well, I said that firstly, this job is an ideal match for my skills and experience, secondly, the company is growing fast, and, and, above all the reason I want this job is. Yes? Denise. Is everything all right? No Paul, it' s not. Everything is not OK. You look pale. Here, sit down, drink what' s left of my tea. Oh, thank you. Oh what are those bits floating in it? Oh they' re just lumps of soggy biscuit. In fact, if I can just get that bit out with my finger for you. Mmm, delicious.
shǒu xiān? shǒu xiān, zhè fèn gōng zuò hěn shì hé wǒ de néng lì hé jīng yàn. zài xiāo shòu gǎng wèi shàng wǒ gōng zuò le hěn duō nián bìng qiě wǒ kě yǐ hěn róng yì hé rén men yǒu hǎo de xiāng chǔ. hǎo ba, wǒ de yì sī shì, dāng rán chú le wǒ bù xǐ huān de rén. dì èr diǎn, wǒ zhī dào Tip Top mào yì gōng sī shì lún dūn chéng zhǎng zuì kuài de gōng sī zhī yī, tóng shí wǒ xiǎng yào chéng wéi qí zhōng de yī yuán. wán quán zhèng què, Tip Top mào yì gōng sī shì zài sù liào shuǐ guǒ háng yè fā zhǎn zuì kuài de gōng sī. dàn shì duì yú gōng sī de liǎo jiě zú gòu le, wǒ men xiǎng yào liǎo jiě nǐ de yī xiē shì qíng, ān nà bèi ěr. ān nà. duì bù qǐ, ān nà. wǒ men shuō dào nǎ le? hǎo ba, wǒ shuō de shì, shǒu xiān zhè fèn gōng zuò hěn shì hé wǒ de néng lì hé jīng yàn, dì èr diǎn, zhè gè gōng sī chéng zhǎng de hěn kuài, zhè diǎn shì wǒ xiǎng yào yìng pìn zhè fèn gōng zuò de zuì zhòng yào de yuán yīn. shì de? dān ní sī. yī qiè zhèng cháng mǎ? bù, bǎo luó, bú shì. bìng bú shì yī qiè zhèng cháng. nǐ kàn qǐ lái hěn cāng bái, zuò xià lái, hē diǎn wǒ bēi zi lǐ miàn dí shuǐ ba. ó, xiè xiè. piào zài shàng miàn dí shì shén me? ó, tā men shì yī xiē bǐng gān de suì mò. shí jì shang, wǒ kě yǐ yòng shǒu zhǐ bǎ tā nòng diào. ēn, hěn měi wèi.