
歌曲 三个航海短语(2/3)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 词语掌故


Another expression linked to sailing is "batten down the hatches". That is what sailors do to prepare their ship for a storm at sea. Battens are thin pieces of wood. Hatches are the openings in the deck. Before a storm, sailors cover the hatches with waterproof material. Then they nail on battens …
另一个与航海有关的短语是batten down the hatches(未雨绸缪)。这是水手在海上为风暴所做的准备。 Battens是指薄木条。Hatches是甲板上的舱门。在暴风雨来临前,水手们用防水材料将舱门盖住。然后钉上薄木条好固定住覆盖物。这样就能防止雨水和海浪进入船舱。 现在,人们使用这个短语来表示做好迎接困难的准备。 例…


Another expression linked to sailing is " batten down the hatches". That is what sailors do to prepare their ship for a storm at sea. Battens are thin pieces of wood. Hatches are the openings in the deck. Before a storm, sailors cover the hatches with waterproof material. Then they nail on battens
lìng yí gè yǔ háng hǎi yǒu guān de duǎn yǔ shì batten down the hatches wèi yǔ chóu móu. zhè shì shuǐ shǒu zài hǎi shàng wèi fēng bào suǒ zuò de zhǔn bèi. Battens shì zhǐ báo mù tiáo. Hatches shì jiǎ bǎn shàng de cāng mén. zài bào fēng yǔ lái lín qián, shuǐ shǒu men yòng fáng shuǐ cái liào jiāng cāng mén gài zhù. rán hòu dīng shàng báo mù tiáo hǎo gù dìng zhù fù gài wù. zhè yàng jiù néng fáng zhǐ yǔ shuǐ hé hǎi làng jìn rù chuán cāng. xiàn zài, rén men shǐ yòng zhè gè duǎn yǔ lái biǎo shì zuò hǎo yíng jiē kùn nán de zhǔn bèi. lì