Hello. This is Mr Ray Nauton. That's N-A-U-N-T-O-N. I'm coming to the event next week called "Launching your business online" and so you've already got my details. Anyway, the reason I'm calling is that I won't be able to arrive in time for registration and the buffet on Sunday evening. My train doesn't arrive until 9:15, so I'm going to take a taxi straight to the hotel. So I probably won't get to the training centre until Monday morning. I hope that's OK. Anyway it's just to confirm that I will be there for the course. Oh, and could someone send me the schedule for the two days? You can email it to me at r dot naunton at worldsyouroyster dot com. Worldsyouroyster is all one word. That's w-o-r-l-d-s-y-o-u-r-o-y-s-t-e-r. And all in lower case. Thank you. |