
歌曲 公司问题(1/3)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BEC中级


Hello, James, do sit down. Right, as you know, our Nottingham centre has had a significant drop in income over the last few months. In fact, it's doing much worse than our other British centres, for reasons we haven't really been able to get to the bottom of. The situation is now pretty worrying, and even if immediate action is taken, I don't expect Nottingham to return to profitability this year. Now, it seems to me we have two options facing us. The first is to see if we can create a strategy to keep the operation going, and the second is to close it down completely. What's your feeling about it? Closing it down would be a disaster. You know, when there was a situation like this in the European division, they turned it around with a special promotion which worked very well. Do you remember this time last year, when we thought we'd have to sell some of the French centres? Well, now they're doing well and we didn't even have to spend any extra money on them, either. Yes, that's true. But Nottingham has lost nearly a million in the six months and we can't afford to keep absorbing that kind of loss.
James你好,请坐。如你所知,我们诺丁汉中心在过去几个月的收入有显著的下滑。事实上,诺丁汉中心比其它的英国中心差,原因我们暂时还不清楚。现在的形势非常地严峻,即使现在有立即的行动开始,我不敢奢望诺丁汉今年会有利润收回。现在,似乎我们面前有两个抉择。第一个选择是如果我们有一个计策使我们的经营继续下去,而第二个选择就是把诺丁汉关了。你觉得怎么样? 把诺丁汉关了会是一个损失。你知道,如果这种情况发生在欧洲的大部门,他们会用一个特别的推广来使公司好转。你还记得去年的这个时候,当我们考虑我们要销售一些法国中心吗?现在这些法国中心营运得非常好,而且我们也不用在他们身上花额外的钱。 是的,但是诺丁汉中心 在去年六个月已经损失了将近一百万,我们也没有能力去承受这些损失。 解析: Get to the bottom of sth. 事物的起因、根源 Profitability the quality of affording gain or benefit or profit 收益性 同义词: profitableness 反义词: unprofitableness,unprofitability Division n. 大机构的部门 In a large organization, a division is a group of departments whose work is done in the same place or is connected with similar tasks Turn around (使)好转;使复苏 becomes successful, after being unsuccessful for a period of time. If something such as a business or economy turns around, or if someone turns it around, it e.g. In his long career at BP, Horton turned around two entire divisions... 霍顿在英国石油公司漫长的职业生涯中曾经让两个部门整体上起死回生。 If a group is absorbed into a larger group, it becomes part of the larger group. Absorb v.合并;兼并;吸收并同化 e.g. The Colonial Office was absorbed into the Foreign Office. 殖民部被并入了外交部。


Hello, James, do sit down. Right, as you know, our Nottingham centre has had a significant drop in income over the last few months. In fact, it' s doing much worse than our other British centres, for reasons we haven' t really been able to get to the bottom of. The situation is now pretty worrying, and even if immediate action is taken, I don' t expect Nottingham to return to profitability this year. Now, it seems to me we have two options facing us. The first is to see if we can create a strategy to keep the operation going, and the second is to close it down completely. What' s your feeling about it? Closing it down would be a disaster. You know, when there was a situation like this in the European division, they turned it around with a special promotion which worked very well. Do you remember this time last year, when we thought we' d have to sell some of the French centres? Well, now they' re doing well and we didn' t even have to spend any extra money on them, either. Yes, that' s true. But Nottingham has lost nearly a million in the six months and we can' t afford to keep absorbing that kind of loss.
James nǐ hǎo, qǐng zuò. rú nǐ suǒ zhī, wǒ men nuò dīng hàn zhōng xīn zài guò qù jǐ gè yuè de shōu rù yǒu xiǎn zhù de xià huá. shì shí shàng, nuò dīng hàn zhōng xīn bǐ qí tā de yīng guó zhōng xīn chà, yuán yīn wǒ men zàn shí hái bù qīng chǔ. xiàn zài de xíng shì fēi cháng dì yán jùn, jí shǐ xiàn zài yǒu lì jí de xíng dòng kāi shǐ, wǒ bù gǎn shē wàng nuò dīng hàn jīn nián huì yǒu lì rùn shōu huí. xiàn zài, sì hū wǒ men miàn qián yǒu liǎng gè jué zé. dì yí gè xuǎn zé shì rú guǒ wǒ men yǒu yí gè jì cè shǐ wǒ men de jīng yíng jì xù xià qù, ér dì èr gè xuǎn zé jiù shì bǎ nuò dīng hàn guān le. nǐ jué de zěn me yàng? bǎ nuò dīng hàn guān le huì shì yí gè sǔn shī. nǐ zhī dào, rú guǒ zhè zhǒng qíng kuàng fā shēng zài ōu zhōu de dà bù mén, tā men huì yòng yí gè tè bié de tuī guǎng lái shǐ gōng sī hǎo zhuǎn. nǐ hái jì de qù nián de zhè gè shí hòu, dāng wǒ men kǎo lǜ wǒ men yào xiāo shòu yī xiē fǎ guó zhōng xīn ma? xiàn zài zhèi xiē fǎ guó zhōng xīn yíng yùn dé fēi cháng hǎo, ér qiě wǒ men yě bù yòng zài tā men shēn shàng huā é wài de qián. shì de, dàn shì nuò dīng hàn zhōng xīn zài qù nián liù ge yuè yǐ jīng sǔn shī le jiāng jìn yī bǎi wàn, wǒ men yě méi yǒu néng lì qù chéng shòu zhèi xiē sǔn shī. jiě xī: Get to the bottom of sth. shì wù de qǐ yīn gēn yuán Profitability the quality of affording gain or benefit or profit shōu yì xìng tóng yì cí: profitableness fǎn yì cí: unprofitableness, unprofitability Division n. dà jī gòu de bù mén In a large organization, a division is a group of departments whose work is done in the same place or is connected with similar tasks Turn around shǐ hǎo zhuǎn shǐ fù sū becomes successful, after being unsuccessful for a period of time. If something such as a business or economy turns around, or if someone turns it around, it e. g. In his long career at BP, Horton turned around two entire divisions... huò dùn zài yīng guó shí yóu gōng sī màn cháng de zhí yè shēng yá zhōng céng jīng ràng liǎng gè bù mén zhěng tǐ shàng qǐ sǐ huí shēng. If a group is absorbed into a larger group, it becomes part of the larger group. Absorb v. hé bìng jiān bìng xī shōu bìng tóng huà e. g. The Colonial Office was absorbed into the Foreign Office. zhí mín bù bèi bìng rù le wài jiāo bù.