
歌曲 对研讨会的意见(1/2)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BEC中级


I only went because several colleagues who'd been before said how great it was. To be honest, I usually get bored at these events. Instead of just listening to someone talking, I'd rather be doing something. But as everyone had recommended it, I had high hopes it'd be good, and I wasn't disappointed. I found the speaker really entertaining. The thing was, he couldn't cover everything. They should have allowed a full day. I know you're supposed to pick up lots of new ideas at these seminars and I suppose it was useful.I did get a few ideas, which is just as well because now I've got to give a talk to staff on the same topic. What I was actually hoping for, though, was to be able to make the most of the opportunity in other ways, too. As some of the other participants I networked with may well become major clients, I'd definitely go again. The seminar was held in a really smart hotel. I did wonder how much my company was having to pay for me to attend. I hope they think it was worth sending me along. I tried to take lots of notes just in case my manager asked me to write a report about it afterwards. I must admit, though, I didn't write much because although the speaker was highly entertaining, I couldn't exactly say I learnt anything new. Shame, really.
我来这里是因为几个同事之前说过这里有多好,说实话,我通常对这些会议感到厌倦。与其只是听某人谈话,我宁愿做些什么事情。但是因为每个人都推荐它,我对于它基于愿望,而且我没有失望。我发现演讲者非常有趣,问题是,有些东西没有面面俱到,他们应该安排一整天的演讲。 我知道你应该从这些研讨会中得到许多新的想法,而且我猜测这很有用,我得到了一些想法,那也只是因为现在我为员工做同样话题的演讲。实际上我是希望,能够从其他方面也得多最多的机会。因为我现在交往的其余参加者中许多人也要成为主要的客户,我一定会再去一次。 这个研讨会在一个风景秀丽的酒店举行。我很想知道公司花费多少钱让我来参加该研讨会。我希望他们觉得送我来是值得的。我尽量记录很多内容以防上司让我写一篇关于该研讨会的报告。我必须承认,我没有记录很多,虽然演讲者很讽刺,但是我不得不说,我没有学到新的东西,说来真惭愧。


I only went because several colleagues who' d been before said how great it was. To be honest, I usually get bored at these events. Instead of just listening to someone talking, I' d rather be doing something. But as everyone had recommended it, I had high hopes it' d be good, and I wasn' t disappointed. I found the speaker really entertaining. The thing was, he couldn' t cover everything. They should have allowed a full day. I know you' re supposed to pick up lots of new ideas at these seminars and I suppose it was useful. I did get a few ideas, which is just as well because now I' ve got to give a talk to staff on the same topic. What I was actually hoping for, though, was to be able to make the most of the opportunity in other ways, too. As some of the other participants I networked with may well become major clients, I' d definitely go again. The seminar was held in a really smart hotel. I did wonder how much my company was having to pay for me to attend. I hope they think it was worth sending me along. I tried to take lots of notes just in case my manager asked me to write a report about it afterwards. I must admit, though, I didn' t write much because although the speaker was highly entertaining, I couldn' t exactly say I learnt anything new. Shame, really.
wǒ lái zhè lǐ shì yīn wèi jǐ gè tóng shì zhī qián shuō guò zhè lǐ yǒu duō hǎo, shuō shí huà, wǒ tōng cháng duì zhèi xiē huì yì gǎn dào yàn juàn. yǔ qí zhǐ shì tīng mǒu rén tán huà, wǒ nìng yuàn zuò xiē shén me shì qíng. dàn shì yīn wèi měi ge rén dōu tuī jiàn tā, wǒ duì yú tā jī yú yuàn wàng, ér qiě wǒ méi yǒu shī wàng. wǒ fā xiàn yǎn jiǎng zhě fēi cháng yǒu qù, wèn tí shì, yǒu xiē dōng xī méi yǒu miàn miàn jù dào, tā men yīng gāi ān pái yī zhěng tiān de yǎn jiǎng. wǒ zhī dào nǐ yīng gāi cóng zhèi xiē yán tǎo huì zhōng de dào xǔ duō xīn de xiǎng fǎ, ér qiě wǒ cāi cè zhè hěn yǒu yòng, wǒ dé dào le yī xiē xiǎng fǎ, nà yě zhǐ shì yīn wèi xiàn zài wǒ wèi yuán gōng zuò tóng yàng huà tí de yǎn jiǎng. shí jì shang wǒ shì xī wàng, néng gòu cóng qí tā fāng miàn yě de duō zuì duō de jī huì. yīn wèi wǒ xiàn zài jiāo wǎng de qí yú cān jiā zhě zhōng xǔ duō rén yě yào chéng wéi zhǔ yào de kè hù, wǒ yí dìng huì zài qù yī cì. zhè gè yán tǎo huì zài yí gè fēng jǐng xiù lì de jiǔ diàn jǔ xíng. wǒ hěn xiǎng zhī dào gōng sī huā fèi duō shǎo qián ràng wǒ lái cān jiā gāi yán tǎo huì. wǒ xī wàng tā men jué de sòng wǒ lái shì zhí de de. wǒ jǐn liàng jì lù hěn duō nèi róng yǐ fáng shàng sī ràng wǒ xiě yī piān guān yú gāi yán tǎo huì de bào gào. wǒ bì xū chéng rèn, wǒ méi yǒu jì lù hěn duō, suī rán yǎn jiǎng zhě hěn fěng cì, dàn shì wǒ bù dé bù shuō, wǒ méi yǒu xué dào xīn de dōng xī, shuō lái zhēn cán kuì.