
歌曲 读过的商业书(1/2)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BEC中级


Yes, it was interesting. Some of it was rather obvious, of course, like dressing smartly, making sure you arrive on time, that sort of thing, but there was also quite a lot I'd never really considered, like ways to interpret what the advertisement is really asking for, reading between the lines, and a section which lists some of the harder questions they tend to ask you, with effective answers you can give. Invaluable, I'd say, certainly helps prevent you making some of the more embarrassing mistakes. It gives you a kind of timescale to follow through. For example, they stress that you need to get publicity up and running a good six months before you want to stage the event. And get your main speakers booked earlier than that. They say you must make sure you've got a good assistant to support you, check the details. Actually, although it was a bit long, it was definitely useful. The trouble often is, when the management take on new staff, they don't necessarily really know what skills or qualities are needed. I want someone who's more than just a secretary typing our letter every day. I'm looking for a right hand, someone to do everything, and this book spells out what that means. It's helped me to draw up a job description.
是的,这非常有趣,有些内容平常我们也知道,比如说,要聪明着装,确定你准时到达等等,但书上也有讲到一些我从来没考虑过的事情,比如说解释广告真正的要求,要看懂每行字,特别是看清他们想出难题的部分,这样你能更有效地给出你的答案。 我想说,这本书无疑真的能够帮你避免出现一些尴尬的错误。它给了你一个进度表,只要你照着做就可以了。比如说,他们会强调当你想进行项目之前,你需要宣传和经营好六个月的日常事务。然后让你的主讲人提前预约。而且你必须确认你有一个很好的助手帮助你,帮你检查一些细节问题。 虽然这本书很长,不过它真的很有用。有的时候会有一些麻烦,当一企业主管人员雇佣新员工的时候,他们根本不知道自己需要什么技能和品质的员工。我想找一个不仅仅是每天帮我打字的秘书,我希望她还会是我的得力助手帮我处理所有的事情,这本书详细说明了这些事情。它帮我更好地拟定我的职位描述。


Yes, it was interesting. Some of it was rather obvious, of course, like dressing smartly, making sure you arrive on time, that sort of thing, but there was also quite a lot I' d never really considered, like ways to interpret what the advertisement is really asking for, reading between the lines, and a section which lists some of the harder questions they tend to ask you, with effective answers you can give. Invaluable, I' d say, certainly helps prevent you making some of the more embarrassing mistakes. It gives you a kind of timescale to follow through. For example, they stress that you need to get publicity up and running a good six months before you want to stage the event. And get your main speakers booked earlier than that. They say you must make sure you' ve got a good assistant to support you, check the details. Actually, although it was a bit long, it was definitely useful. The trouble often is, when the management take on new staff, they don' t necessarily really know what skills or qualities are needed. I want someone who' s more than just a secretary typing our letter every day. I' m looking for a right hand, someone to do everything, and this book spells out what that means. It' s helped me to draw up a job description.
shì de, zhè fēi cháng yǒu qù, yǒu xiē nèi róng píng cháng wǒ men yě zhī dào, bǐ rú shuō, yào cōng míng zhuó zhuāng, què dìng nǐ zhǔn shí dào dá děng děng, dàn shū shàng yě yǒu jiǎng dào yī xiē wǒ cóng lái méi kǎo lǜ guò de shì qíng, bǐ rú shuō jiě shì guǎng gào zhēn zhèng de yāo qiú, yào kàn dǒng měi xíng zì, tè bié shì kàn qīng tā men xiǎng chū nán tí de bù fèn, zhè yàng nǐ néng gèng yǒu xiào dì gěi chū nǐ de dá àn. wǒ xiǎng shuō, zhè běn shū wú yí zhēn de néng gòu bāng nǐ bì miǎn chū xiàn yī xiē gān gà de cuò wù. tā gěi le nǐ yí gè jìn dù biǎo, zhǐ yào nǐ zhào zhe zuò jiù kě yǐ le. bǐ rú shuō, tā men huì qiáng diào dāng nǐ xiǎng jìn xíng xiàng mù zhī qián, nǐ xū yào xuān chuán hé jīng yíng hǎo liù ge yuè de rì cháng shì wù. rán hòu ràng nǐ de zhǔ jiǎng rén tí qián yù yuē. ér qiě nǐ bì xū què rèn nǐ yǒu yí gè hěn hǎo de zhù shǒu bāng zhù nǐ, bāng nǐ jiǎn chá yī xiē xì jié wèn tí. suī rán zhè běn shū hěn zhǎng, bù guò tā zhēn de hěn yǒu yòng. yǒu de shí hòu huì yǒu yī xiē má fán, dāng yī qǐ yè zhǔ guǎn rén yuán gù yōng xīn yuán gōng de shí hòu, tā men gēn běn bù zhī dào zì jǐ xū yào shén me jì néng hé pǐn zhì dì yuán gōng. wǒ xiǎng zhǎo yí gè bù jǐn jǐn shì měi tiān bāng wǒ dǎ zì de mì shū, wǒ xī wàng tā hái huì shì wǒ de dé lì zhù shǒu bāng wǒ chǔ lǐ suǒ yǒu de shì qíng, zhè běn shū xiáng xì shuō míng liǎo zhèi xiē shì qíng. tā bāng wǒ gèng hǎo dì nǐ dìng wǒ de zhí wèi miáo shù.