
歌曲 销售代表电话
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BEC中级


Whiteway Cycles. Phil Moore, Sales. Hello, Phil. It's me, Sandra. Hi, Sandra. What can I do for you? We've just got the sales literature for the Paris trade show next week, and there's some problems. Can you get it sorted out for me? Go ahead. First of all, we need some more catalogues for racing wear. There's a lot of interest in it, especially the shorts and shoes. OK. Er, 30 enough? That should do it. And you know the little pull-out leaflet for the new children's cycles? Well, there's a mistake on the third page. The specifications for the wheels are wrong. Oh, that's bad. We'll change that and get you new copies by the weekend. Anything else? Erm. Yes, the touring cycles, the lightweight ones, I can't find any price lists for them. Please ask if they've been sent out. OK. And are you all right for order forms? No. Thanks for reminding me. We're short of forms for spare parts. Could you send us some more? Right, got that. Ah, that's it then. Thanks, Phil.