001 大学生活

歌曲 001 大学生活
歌手 英语听力
专辑 淘金专四听写


American college and university students who live away from their families are generally housed in dormitories at least for their first year. Men and women often live in the same building, though they may live on separate floors. Some dorms have a theme, like an international house, where students can learn about other cultures. In language houses, students try to avoid speaking their native language. The idea is to learn a different language. Colleges and universities often have many clubs that students can join. These include political, religious and service clubs, as well as groups for activities like singing, dancing, cooking, even learning how to play magic. Schools may also have internal sports clubs. These are for students who do not play for a school team but want organized sports with other students. And schools will often recognize a new club or activity if enough students are interested.


American college and university students who live away from their families are generally housed in dormitories at least for their first year. Men and women often live in the same building, though they may live on separate floors. Some dorms have a theme, like an international house, where students can learn about other cultures. In language houses, students try to avoid speaking their native language. The idea is to learn a different language. Colleges and universities often have many clubs that students can join. These include political, religious and service clubs, as well as groups for activities like singing, dancing, cooking, even learning how to play magic. Schools may also have internal sports clubs. These are for students who do not play for a school team but want organized sports with other students. And schools will often recognize a new club or activity if enough students are interested.
yuǎn lí jiā rén de měi guó dà xué shēng tōng cháng xū yào zài dì yī nián zhù zài xué xiào de sù shè lǐ. nán nǚ shēng cháng zhù zài tóng yī dòng lóu de bù tóng lóu céng. yī xiē sù shè yǒu yí gè zhǔ tí, bǐ rú guó jì sù shè, lǐ miàn dí xué shēng kě yǐ xiāng hù liǎo jiě qí tā de wén huà. zài yǔ yán sù shè, xué shēng jìn kě néng bì miǎn shǐ yòng mǔ yǔ, qí mù dì shì xué xí yī mén bù tóng de yǔ yán. dà xué lǐ yǒu hěn duō shè tuán gōng xué shēng cān jiā. bāo kuò zhèng zhì, zōng jiào fú wù jù lè bù, yǐ jí chàng gē, tiào wǔ, pēng rèn shèn zhì xué xí wán mó shù de huó dòng qún. xué xiào yě yǒu nèi bù yùn dòng shè tuán. duì nèi xiē bù xiǎng jiā rù xiào duì, dàn shì xiǎng yǔ qí tā tóng xué jìn xíng yǒu zǔ zhī yùn dòng de xué shēng hěn shì yòng. rú guǒ yí gè xīn de shè tuán huò huó dòng xī yǐn le zú gòu duō xué shēng de xìng qù. jiù huì de dào xiào fāng de rèn kě.