021 大学时光

歌曲 021 大学时光
歌手 英语听力
专辑 淘金专四听写


British universities start in September or October. Courses normally last 3 years, but some, such as languages, engineering or medicine, can take much longer to complete. Students usually go to university in a different town, so they need to get used to living alone, paying bills and washing their own clothes! For many, this is a difficult time, but everyone soon becomes used to it! Universities in Britain used to be free, but many students now have to pay for part of their course. Similarly, students used to receive a grant from the government. Nowadays, they have to apply for student loans or take part-time jobs. Either way, it can be difficult and many students have money problems. University life is not just about studying, however. Many students take part in drama productions or play music. Others, of course, take part in a wide range of sports, such as football, rugby and cricket.
英国大学于九月份或十月份开学。课程通常持续三年,但像语言学,工程学和医学这类课程需花费更长的时间来完成。 学生大多是来自不同城镇,他们需要习惯独自生活,缴纳账单和清洗自己的衣物。对大多数人来说,这是一段艰难的日子,但每个人很快就会习惯。在过去,入读英国的大学是免费的,不过现在很多学生都必须交课程的部分费用。同样的,他们过去可以得到政府的奖学金,现在则必须申请助学贷款或做临时工。无论哪种方式,对许多学生来说都是困难的并背负上金钱难题。然而,大学生活不只是学习。很多学生会参加戏剧创作或玩音乐。有的则喜欢各种各样的体育活动,比如足球,橄榄球和板球运动。


British universities start in September or October. Courses normally last 3 years, but some, such as languages, engineering or medicine, can take much longer to complete. Students usually go to university in a different town, so they need to get used to living alone, paying bills and washing their own clothes! For many, this is a difficult time, but everyone soon becomes used to it! Universities in Britain used to be free, but many students now have to pay for part of their course. Similarly, students used to receive a grant from the government. Nowadays, they have to apply for student loans or take parttime jobs. Either way, it can be difficult and many students have money problems. University life is not just about studying, however. Many students take part in drama productions or play music. Others, of course, take part in a wide range of sports, such as football, rugby and cricket.
yīng guó dà xué yú jiǔ yuè fèn huò shí yuè fèn kāi xué. kè chéng tōng cháng chí xù sān nián, dàn xiàng yǔ yán xué, gōng chéng xué hé yī xué zhè lèi kè chéng xū huā fèi gèng zhǎng de shí jiān lái wán chéng. xué shēng dà duō shì lái zì bù tóng chéng zhèn, tā men xū yào xí guàn dú zì shēng huó, jiǎo nà zhàng dān hé qīng xǐ zì jǐ de yī wù. duì dà duō shù rén lái shuō, zhè shì yī duàn jiān nán de rì zi, dàn měi ge rén hěn kuài jiù huì xí guàn. zài guò qù, rù dú yīng guó de dà xué shì miǎn fèi de, bù guò xiàn zài hěn duō xué shēng dōu bì xū jiāo kè chéng de bù fèn fèi yòng. tóng yàng de, tā men guò qù kě yǐ dé dào zhèng fǔ de jiǎng xué jīn, xiàn zài zé bì xū shēn qǐng zhù xué dài kuǎn huò zuò lín shí gōng. wú lùn nǎ zhǒng fāng shì, duì xǔ duō xué shēng lái shuō dōu shì kùn nán de bìng bēi fù shàng jīn qián nán tí. rán ér, dà xué shēng huó bù zhǐ shì xué xí. hěn duō xué shēng huì cān jiā xì jù chuàng zuò huò wán yīn yuè. yǒu de zé xǐ huān gè zhǒng gè yàng de tǐ yù huó dòng, bǐ rú zú qiú, gǎn lǎn qiú hé bǎn qiú yùn dòng.