
歌曲 真正令人害怕的人
歌手 英语听力
专辑 美剧听写


[00:00.284] People, by their very nature, are always on the lookout for intruders,
[00:06.658] trying to prevent those on the outside from getting in.
[00:12.741] But there will always be those who force their way into our lives,
[00:17.573] just as there will be those we invite in.
[00:35.676] But the most troubling of all will be the ones who stand on the outside looking in,
[00:43.645] the ones we never truly get to know.


tool: dēng lǐ de gē cí gǔn dòng jī
[00:00.284] People, by their very nature, are always on the lookout for intruders,
[00:06.658] trying to prevent those on the outside from getting in.
[00:12.741] But there will always be those who force their way into our lives,
[00:17.573] just as there will be those we invite in.
[00:35.676] But the most troubling of all will be the ones who stand on the outside looking in,
[00:43.645] the ones we never truly get to know.


tool: dēng lǐ de gē cí gǔn dòng jī
[00:00.284] rén běn néng de dōu zài xún zhǎo rù qīn zhě,
[00:06.658] zǔ zhǐ bié rén cóng wài miàn chuǎng rù.
[00:12.741] kě shì zǒng yǒu xiē rén qiáng xíng chuǎng rù wǒ men de shēng huó,
[00:17.573] zhèng rú nèi xiē bèi yāo qǐng jiā rù wǒ men shēng huó quān zi de rén yí yàng.
[00:35.676] dàn zuì lìng rén tóu téng de shì nèi xiē zhàn zài wài miàn xiàng lǐ miàn tōu kuī de rén,
[00:43.645] nèi xiē wǒ men cóng wèi zhēn zhèng liǎo jiě de rén.