
歌曲 誓言其实很简单
歌手 英语听力
专辑 美剧听写


[00:03.418] The vow is simple really.
[00:07.798] Those who take it promise to stay together,
[00:11.199] for better or for worse,
[00:14.555] for richer or for poorer,
[00:18.549] in sickness and in health,
[00:23.844] to honor and to cherish,
[00:29.627] forsaking all others,
[00:38.503] until death do us part.
[00:48.436] Yes, the vow is simple.
[00:52.860] Finding someone worthy of such a promise is the hard part.
[00:58.816] But if we can, that's when we begin to live happily ever after.


tool: dēng lǐ de gē cí gǔn dòng jī
[00:03.418] The vow is simple really.
[00:07.798] Those who take it promise to stay together,
[00:11.199] for better or for worse,
[00:14.555] for richer or for poorer,
[00:18.549] in sickness and in health,
[00:23.844] to honor and to cherish,
[00:29.627] forsaking all others,
[00:38.503] until death do us part.
[00:48.436] Yes, the vow is simple.
[00:52.860] Finding someone worthy of such a promise is the hard part.
[00:58.816] But if we can, that' s when we begin to live happily ever after.


tool: dēng lǐ de gē cí gǔn dòng jī
[00:03.418] shì yán qí shí hěn jiǎn dān.
[00:07.798] rén men fā shì yào yǒng yuǎn yào zài yì qǐ,
[00:11.199] wú lùn jìng yù hǎo huài,
[00:14.555] jiā jìng pín fù,
[00:18.549] shēng bìng yǔ fǒu,
[00:23.844] hù yǐ wéi róng, xiāng hù zhēn xī,
[00:29.627] fàng qì qí tā suǒ yǒu,
[00:38.503] zhí dào sǐ wáng jiāng wǒ men fēn lí.
[00:48.436] shì de, shì yán hěn jiǎn dān.
[00:52.860] dàn kùn nán de shì néng fǒu zhǎo dào zhí de xǔ xià nuò yán de nà gè zhōng shēng bàn lǚ.
[00:58.816] bù guò rú guǒ wǒ men néng zhǎo dào de huà, nà me wǒ men jiù kě yǐ cóng cǐ xìng fú kuài lè de huó zhe le.