沃土中原 19

歌曲 沃土中原 19
歌手 英语听力
专辑 【BBC美丽中国】沃土中原


But since the 1950s, logging has fragmented the Qinling Mountain forests. Its remaining wild pandas are now confined within isolated reserves. In the last 50 years, China's heartland has been subjected to desertification, drying rivers and deforestation, affecting not only people, but wildlife, too.


But since the 1950s, logging has fragmented the Qinling Mountain forests. Its remaining wild pandas are now confined within isolated reserves. In the last 50 years, China' s heartland has been subjected to desertification, drying rivers and deforestation, affecting not only people, but wildlife, too.
dàn shì zì cóng 20 shì jì 50 nián dài yǐ hòu, fá mù pò huài le qín lǐng dì qū de shān lín. shèng xià de xióng māo jú xiàn zài dú lì de dì fāng shēng huó. zài guò qù de 50 nián lǐ, zhōng guó de zhōng xīn dì dài shòu dào yǐ jīng shā mò huà, gān hé de hé liú hé bèi fá de sēn lín bù zhǐ yǐng xiǎng le rén lèi, gèng yǐng xiǎng le yě shēng dòng wù.