第十九期 3-2 (3/7)

歌曲 第十九期 3-2 (3/7)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 四级听力天天练


That's a great idea. Which one shall we go to? The one on the Westlake Street, I think. I was told there are lots of second-hand things there. Besides, it's not far from our apartment. OK. Then, when shall we go? As soon as possible. I can't stand with these packing cases a minute longer. What about this afternoon? Can't we go there tomorrow. I'm expecting a registered letter this afternoon and I am supposed to answer it as soon as possible. OK. Let's go there the first tomorrow. What time do you want to go? The market is open from nine to six. So we can set out at eight o'clock and enter the market as soon as it opens. Right. I'll set the alarm so that we can wake up earlier. OK. That's settled.
好主意,想去哪个? 我选西湖街上那个。有人跟我说那有很多二手货,离咱住的地儿又不远。 好,那我们几点出发。 尽早。对这些个包装过度的东西我一分钟也忍不了了,今儿下午就去! 明儿行吗?今儿下午我等着收一封注册信函,并应该尽快予之回复。 好吧!明天咱第一个到。 你想几点动身? 卖场从早上九点营业到下午六点,所以我们八点出发。(到那儿,)它一开门,咱们就以最快的速度冲进去。 行啊!我上闹表好给咱叫早。 好!就这么定了。


That' s a great idea. Which one shall we go to? The one on the Westlake Street, I think. I was told there are lots of secondhand things there. Besides, it' s not far from our apartment. OK. Then, when shall we go? As soon as possible. I can' t stand with these packing cases a minute longer. What about this afternoon? Can' t we go there tomorrow. I' m expecting a registered letter this afternoon and I am supposed to answer it as soon as possible. OK. Let' s go there the first tomorrow. What time do you want to go? The market is open from nine to six. So we can set out at eight o' clock and enter the market as soon as it opens. Right. I' ll set the alarm so that we can wake up earlier. OK. That' s settled.
hǎo zhǔ yì, xiǎng qù něi gè? wǒ xuǎn xī hú jiē shàng nà gè. yǒu rén gēn wǒ shuō nà yǒu hěn duō èr shǒu huò, lí zán zhù de dì r yòu bù yuǎn. hǎo, nà wǒ men jǐ diǎn chū fā. jìn zǎo. duì zhèi xiē gè bāo zhuāng guò dù de dōng xī wǒ yī fēn zhōng yě rěn bù liǎo le, jīn ér xià wǔ jiù qù! míng ér xíng ma? jīn ér xià wǔ wǒ děng zhe shōu yī fēng zhù cè xìn hán, bìng yīng gāi jǐn kuài yǔ zhī huí fù. hǎo ba! míng tiān zán dì yí gè dào. nǐ xiǎng jǐ diǎn dòng shēn? mài chǎng cóng zǎo shàng jiǔ diǎn yíng yè dào xià wǔ liù diǎn, suǒ yǐ wǒ men bā diǎn chū fā. dào nà ér, tā yī kāi mén, zán men jiù yǐ zuì kuài de sù dù chōng jìn qù. xíng a! wǒ shàng nào biǎo hǎo gěi zán jiào zǎo. hǎo! jiù zhè me dìng le.