第十五期 7-1 (7/7)

歌曲 第十五期 7-1 (7/7)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 四级听力天天练


50 years ago, most people lived in rural areas. But the world has changed. By some point next year, more than half of all people will live in cities, for the first time in history. So says the most recent estimate from the United Nations. City life is not always a bad thing, but many experts worry about this process of urbanization. A new report says it is having a huge effect on human health and the quality of the environment. Of the 3 billion people who live in cities now, the report says, about 1 billion live in unplanned settlements.


50 years ago, most people lived in rural areas. But the world has changed. By some point next year, more than half of all people will live in cities, for the first time in history. So says the most recent estimate from the United Nations. City life is not always a bad thing, but many experts worry about this process of urbanization. A new report says it is having a huge effect on human health and the quality of the environment. Of the 3 billion people who live in cities now, the report says, about 1 billion live in unplanned settlements.
50 nián qián, dà bù fèn rén dōu shēng huó zài nóng cūn. dàn shì shì jiè yǐ jīng fā shēng le biàn huà. dào míng nián de mǒu xiē shí hòu, chāo guò yī dà bàn de rén dōu huì jū zhù zài chéng shì zhōng, zhè jiāng shì lì shǐ shàng de dì yī cì. zhè shì měi guó zuì jìn de yī xiàng píng gū jié guǒ. chéng shì shēng huó bù yí dìng zǒng shì bù hǎo, dàn shì hěn duō zhuān jiā zhè yàng de chéng shì huà jìn chéng biǎo shì le dān yōu. yī xiàng xīn de bào gào xiǎn shì chéng shì huà yǐ jīng duì rén lèi de jiàn kāng hé huán jìng zhì liàng chǎn shēng le jù dà de yǐng xiǎng. zhè fèn bào gào xiǎn shì: zài suǒ yǒu jū zhù zài chéng shì lǐ de 30 yì rén lái shuō, dà yuē yǒu 10 yì shì chǔ yú jū wú dìng suǒ de qíng kuàng.