第十八期 1-2 (1/7)

歌曲 第十八期 1-2 (1/7)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 四级听力天天练


I hope I won't oversleep tomorrow. I have to catch the first flight to Sydney at six o’clock in the morning. Why not register a wake-up call at the reception center? If I buy a pet, will you take care of him while I'm away from the house? Sure I will, if you take care of mine while I'm on vacation. Why did you come to the class late? I left a message with your sister about the time change. You left the message with her? She has a really short memory. I have decided to take another term of American History. No kidding! In this case you can give me many suggestions on this course. I will start the introductory course next week.
希望我明天不会睡过头,我必须赶上明天早上六点去悉尼的飞机。 你为什么不在接待中心注册一个叫起床的电话呢? 如果我买了一只宠物,在我不在家的时候你会照顾它吗? 当然会,如果你会在我度假的照顾我的的话。 这节课你为什么迟到了?我给你的妹妹留了关于改了时间的口信啊。 你把这个信息告诉了她?她的记忆时间相当短。 我打算学另外一门美国历史。 别开玩笑了!这种情况下你可以给我很多关于这门课程的建议。我下星期就要开始这门课程的入门学习了。


I hope I won' t oversleep tomorrow. I have to catch the first flight to Sydney at six o' clock in the morning. Why not register a wakeup call at the reception center? If I buy a pet, will you take care of him while I' m away from the house? Sure I will, if you take care of mine while I' m on vacation. Why did you come to the class late? I left a message with your sister about the time change. You left the message with her? She has a really short memory. I have decided to take another term of American History. No kidding! In this case you can give me many suggestions on this course. I will start the introductory course next week.
xī wàng wǒ míng tiān bú huì shuì guò tóu, wǒ bì xū gǎn shàng míng tiān zǎo shàng liù diǎn qù xī ní de fēi jī. nǐ wèi shí me bù zài jiē dài zhōng xīn zhù cè yí gè jiào qǐ chuáng de diàn huà ne? rú guǒ wǒ mǎi le yì zhī chǒng wù, zài wǒ bù zài jiā de shí hòu nǐ huì zhào gù tā ma? dāng rán huì, rú guǒ nǐ huì zài wǒ dù jià de zhào gù wǒ de de huà. zhè jié kè nǐ wèi shí me chí dào le? wǒ gěi nǐ de mèi mei liú le guān yú gǎi le shí jiān de kǒu xìn a. nǐ bǎ zhè gè xìn xī gào sù le tā? tā de jì yì shí jiān xiāng dāng duǎn. wǒ dǎ suàn xué lìng wài yī mén měi guó lì shǐ. bié kāi wán xiào le! zhè zhǒng qíng kuàng xià nǐ kě yǐ gěi wǒ hěn duō guān yú zhè mén kè chéng de jiàn yì. wǒ xià xīng qī jiù yào kāi shǐ zhè mén kè chéng de rù mén xué xí le.