第十六期 4-1(4/7)

歌曲 第十六期 4-1(4/7)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 四级听力天天练


What if you arrived home to find a delicious hot meal waiting for you, prepared by your very own kitchen robot? It might sound like science fiction, but professors at the University of Tokyo have taken the first steps toward making that into a reality. The team recently introduced a human-like kitchen robot that can pour tea and other drinks into cups and serve them to guests. When teatime is over, the robot can also wash the dishes and put them away.


What if you arrived home to find a delicious hot meal waiting for you, prepared by your very own kitchen robot? It might sound like science fiction, but professors at the University of Tokyo have taken the first steps toward making that into a reality. The team recently introduced a humanlike kitchen robot that can pour tea and other drinks into cups and serve them to guests. When teatime is over, the robot can also wash the dishes and put them away.
yào shì yī huí dào jiā jiù yǒu rè téng téng měi wèi de fàn cài zài děng zhe nǐ nà gāi duō hǎo a, nà shi nǐ de zhuān yòng zuì xīn kuǎn chú fáng jī qì rén wéi nǐ zhǔn bèi de. zhè tīng qǐ lái xiàng shì kē huàn xiǎo shuō, shí jì shang, dōng jīng dà xué de jiào shòu men yǐ jīng chū bù shí xiàn tā. zhè gè tuán duì zuì jìn tuī chū le yī kuǎn chú fáng jī qì rén, tā kě yǐ wéi kè rén dào chá huò yǐn liào. chá huì jié shù hòu, jī qì rén hái huì shōu shí chá jù, bìng bǎ tā men xǐ gān jìng.