BBC新闻100篇 News Item 2

歌曲 BBC新闻100篇 News Item 2
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专辑 BBC新闻100篇


[00:02.33] Less than six months before a general election in Britain,the governing Labour Party is embroiled again in internal strife.
[00:09.14] Two former cabinet ministers have called for secret ballot of members
[00:15.97] to decide whether the Prime Minister Gordon Brown should continue as party leader.Mr. Brown has called a general election by June this year.Our political correspondent Rob Watson reports.The two former cabinet ministers Geoff Hoon and Patricia Hewitt had stunned everyone at Westminster with their last-minute efforts to challenge Gordon Brown's leadership.But Downing Street and Labour Party officials have moved quickly to quash any revolts.
[00:39.94] Most importantly, current cabinet ministers have come out and backed the prime minister,orbiting some cases with little apparent enthusiasm.
[00:49.32] So the latest challenge looks likely to be short lift.Although many within the Labour Party doubt Mr. Brown's leadership qualities, they also seem to think it would only make things worse to get rid of him before the general election.


[00:02.33] lí yīng guó dà xuǎn bú dào liù ge yuè zhī jì, zhí zhèng dǎng gōng dǎng zài cì juǎn rù nèi bù fēn zhēng.
[00:09.14] liǎng wèi qián nèi gé dà chén yāo qiú jìn xíng wú jì míng tóu piào lái jué dìng shǒu xiàng gē dēng bù lǎng néng fǒu jì xù dān rèn gōng dǎng lǐng xiù.
[00:15.97] bù lǎng hū yù zài jīn nián 6 yuè fèn zhī qián jìn xíng dà xuǎn. wǒ men de zhèng zhì jì zhě Rob Watson bào dào. liǎng wèi qián nèi gé dà chén Geoff Hoon hé Patricia Hewitt zài zuì hòu yī kè réng rán shì tú tiǎo zhàn gē dēng bù lǎng de lǐng dǎo dì wèi,
[00:39.94] tā men de xíng wéi shǐ guó huì dà shà de měi yí ge rén dōu gǎn dào zhèn jīng. dàn shì táng níng jiē hé gōng dǎng guān yuán xùn sù cǎi qǔ xíng dòng píng xī fēn zhēng. zuì zhòng yào de shì, xiàn rèn nèi gé dà chén men zhàn chū lái zhī chí shǒu xiàng, shǐ yī xiē àn jiàn méi yǒu míng xiǎn de rè qíng.
[00:49.32] suǒ yǐ, zuì xīn de tiǎo zhàn kàn shang qu kě néng shì tú láo wú yì de. jǐn guǎn gōng dǎng nèi bù xǔ duō rén zhì yí bù lǎng de lǐng dǎo zhì liàng, dàn shì tā men rèn wéi, zài dà xuǎn zhī qián ràng qí tuì wèi zhǐ huì xuě shàng jiā shuāng.