BBC新闻100篇 News Item 3

歌曲 BBC新闻100篇 News Item 3
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻100篇


[00:00.00] The British Prime Minister Gordon Brown
[00:03.89] is offering to scale back Britain's nuclear deterrence
[00:06.81] if an international agreement is reached
[00:09.30] to cut the world's nuclear arsenals.
[00:11.35] Mr. Brown is expected to tell a special
[00:13.72] session of the United Nations Security Council on Thursday
[00:17.14] that he'll be willing to give up one of four royal navy submarines
[00:21.24] that carry Trident nuclear missiles.
[00:23.23] Officials are insisting that cost isn't a factor here.
[00:26.47] Here's our defence correspondent Nick Childs.
[00:28.58] Gordon Brown is saying he'll be ready to
[00:31.51] throw part of the trident force into the port
[00:33.37] in the context of a much bigger global disarmament deal.
[00:35.92] He said so in general terms before.
[00:38.60] This offer though is more concrete.
[00:40.59] There is a growing sense that to avoid what some fear
[00:44.07] could be a sudden cascade of new nuclear states,
[00:46.50] the established nuclear powers need to do more
[00:48.99] in terms of disarmament
[00:50.35] to keep the proliferation regime intact.
[00:52.34] The Prime Minister will hope his move
[00:54.40] will be seen as an important gesture.
[00:56.08] But the key to the process will be the actions of the big players,
[00:59.44] the United States and Russia.


[00:00.00] yīng guó shǒu xiàng gē dēng bù lǎng
[00:03.89] zhèng zhǔn bèi suō jiǎn yīng guó de hé wēi shè lì liang
[00:06.81] rú guǒ dá chéng guó jì xié yì
[00:09.30] xuē jiǎn shì jiè hé wǔ kù.
[00:11.35] bù lǎng xiān shēng yù jì huì shuō yī jiàn tè bié de shì
[00:13.72] lián hé guó ān lǐ huì xīng qī sì huì yì
[00:17.14] tā yuàn yì fàng qì sì sōu huáng jiā hǎi jūn qián tǐng zhōng de yī sōu
[00:21.24] xié dài sān chā jǐ hé dǎo dàn.
[00:23.23] guān yuán men jiān chí rèn wéi, chéng běn bú shì yí gè yīn sù.
[00:26.47] zhè shì wǒ men de guó fáng jì zhě ní kè chá ěr zī.
[00:28.58] gē dēng bù lǎng shuō tā huì zhǔn bèi hǎo
[00:31.51] jiāng sān chā jǐ bù duì de yī bù fen rēng jìn gǎng kǒu
[00:33.37] zài yí gè gèng dà de quán qiú cái jūn xié yì de bèi jǐng xià.
[00:35.92] tā yǐ qián shuō de shì yì bān de huà.
[00:38.60] bù guò, zhè yī tí yì gèng jù tǐ.
[00:40.59] yuè lái yuè duō de rén rèn wéi, yào bì miǎn kǒng jù
[00:44.07] kě néng shì tū rán chū xiàn de xīn de hé guó jiā
[00:46.50] yǐ jiàn lì de hé dà guó xū yào zuò gèng duō de gōng zuò
[00:48.99] jiù cái jūn ér yán
[00:50.35] shǐ kuò sàn zhì dù bǎo chí wán zhěng.
[00:52.34] shǒu xiàng xī wàng tā de jǔ dòng
[00:54.40] jiāng bèi shì wéi yí gè zhòng yào de zī tài.
[00:56.08] dàn guān jiàn de guò chéng jiāng shì dà wán jiā de xíng dòng,
[00:59.44] měi guó hé é luó sī.