BBC新闻100篇 News Item 5

歌曲 BBC新闻100篇 News Item 5
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻100篇


[00:00.00] Stock markets in Europe and the United States have fallen sharply
[00:04.11] in response to further signs that the debt crisis in Greece is intensifying
[00:08.46] and could spread to other countries.
[00:10.51] Share prices in New York, London, Frankfurt and Paris
[00:13.81] fell by more than 2% after a major international credit rating agency
[00:18.41] Standard & Poor's downgraded Greek debt
[00:21.40] to a level known informally as junk.
[00:23.33] Nils Blythe has more.
[00:24.82] Standard & Poor's downgraded its assessment
[00:27.56] of Greek bonds to the so-called junk status
[00:30.04] because of the growing danger
[00:31.97] that the bond holders will not be paid back in full.
[00:34.59] Many big investment funds have rules
[00:37.45] that forbid them from holding junk bonds,
[00:39.13] says the move is likely to trigger a further round of selling.
[00:42.17] Share markets have taken fright,
[00:44.16] fearing that if Greece does default on its debts,
[00:46.78] it would hit many European banks which hold Greek bonds
[00:50.01] and could trigger a wider financial crisis.
[00:52.75] Already pressure is mounting on Portugal
[00:55.86] which has also seen its credit rating downgraded today,
[00:58.84] although it remains above junk status.


[00:00.00] ōu zhōu hé měi guó de gǔ shì dà fú xià diē
[00:04.11] yuán yīn shì jìn yī bù de jī xiàng biǎo míng, xī là de zhài wù wēi jī zhèng zài jiā jù
[00:08.46] bìng kě néng màn yán dào qí tā guó jiā
[00:10.51] niǔ yuē lún dūn fǎ lán kè fú hé bā lí de gǔ jià
[00:13.81] xià diē le 2 yǐ shàng, yuán yīn shì yī jiā zhǔ yào de guó jì xìn yòng píng jí jī gòu
[00:18.41] biāo zhǔn pǔ ěr jiāng xī là zhài wù píng jí xià diào
[00:21.40] zhì fēi zhèng shì de lā jī jí
[00:23.33] ní ěr sī bù lái sī bào dào
[00:24.82] biāo zhǔn pǔ ěr xià diào
[00:27.56] xī là zhài quàn píng jí zhì suǒ wèi de lā jī jí
[00:30.04] yīn wèi bù duàn zēng zhǎng de fēng xiǎn
[00:31.97] zhài quàn chí yǒu rén jiāng bú huì de dé dào quán é cháng huán
[00:34.59] xǔ duō dà xíng tóu zī jī jīn guī dìng
[00:37.45] jìn zhǐ chí yǒu lā jī zhài quàn
[00:39.13] chēng cǐ jǔ kě néng huì yǐn fā xīn yī lún pāo shòu
[00:42.17] gǔ piào shì chǎng xiàn rù kǒng huāng
[00:44.16] dān xīn rú guǒ xī là zhài wù wéi yuē
[00:46.78] tā jiāng dǎ jī chí yǒu xī là zhài quàn de xǔ duō ōu zhōu yín háng
[00:50.01] bìng kě néng yǐn fā gèng guǎng fàn de jīn róng wēi jī
[00:52.75] pú táo yá de yā lì yǐ jīng zài zēng jiā
[00:55.86] dàn tā de xìn yòng píng jí jīn tiān yě bèi jiàng jí le
[00:58.84] jǐn guǎn tā réng chǔ yú lā jī jí bié zhī shàng