BBC新闻100篇 News Item 6

歌曲 BBC新闻100篇 News Item 6
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻100篇


[00:00.00] The International Monetary Fund
[00:02.91] has told governments across the world
[00:04.46] that further action is needed
[00:06.08] to help return the global financial system to stability.
[00:08.75] In a fresh estimate of the scale of the problem,
[00:11.37] the IMF says global losses on toxic assets
[00:14.35] could total four trillion dollars. Andrew Walker reports.
[00:18.02] This report does identify
[00:20.26] what it calls some early signs of stabilization in financial systems,
[00:23.56] but there are not many of them.
[00:25.55] And the IMF says further action will be needed
[00:27.79] if they're to be sustained.
[00:29.41] In two key areas, it says that progress by governments
[00:32.45] has been piecemeal and reactive,
[00:34.44] dealing with the problem assets held by financial institutions
[00:37.43] and how to handle banks that need extra capital.
[00:40.67] For that problem the report says
[00:42.97] temporary government ownership may sometime be necessary.


[00:00.00] guó jì huò bì jī jīn huì
[00:02.91] yǐ jīng gào zhī shì jiè gè zhèng fǔ
[00:04.46] xū yào jìn yī bù xíng dòng qù bāng zhù quán qiú jīn róng tǐ xì shǐ zhī chóng xiàn wěn dìng.
[00:08.75] zài xīn de héng liáng wèn tí de kàn fǎ zhōng
[00:11.37] IMF biǎo míng bù liáng zī chǎn zài quán qiú sǔn shī zhōng zǒng shù huì dá dào 4 wàn yì měi jīn
[00:14.35] ān dé lǔ wò kè bào dào.
[00:18.02] zhè piān bào dào shí fēn què dìng
[00:20.26] suǒ wèi de yī xiē zǎo qī jīn róng tǐ xì wěn dìng de jī xiàng
[00:23.56] dàn shì zhèi xiē jī xiàng bìng bù duō
[00:25.55] IMF biǎo míng jiāng huì xū yào jìn yī bù xíng dòng
[00:27.79] rú guǒ nèi xiē jī xiàng kě néng huì bèi wéi chí.
[00:29.41] IMF biǎo míng yóu yú zhèng fǔ de jìn zhǎn, zài liǎng gè guān jiàn de lǐng yù wèn tí
[00:32.45] yǐ jīng pò suì bìng qiě fǎn yìng
[00:34.44] jiě jué bèi jīn róng jī gòu chí yǒu de wèn tí zī jīn
[00:37.43] hé gāi rú hé chǔ lǐ xū yào é wài zī jīn de yín háng
[00:40.67] yīn wèi nà gè wèn tí, bào dào biǎo míng
[00:42.97] zàn shí xìng de zhèng fǔ kòng quán yǒu shí huò xǔ shì bì yào de