BBC新闻100篇 News Item 12

歌曲 BBC新闻100篇 News Item 12
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻100篇


[00:00.67] It's the world's fastest growing economy
[00:02.88] and shows no sign of slowing down,
[00:05.29] so striking deals with Chinese businesses
[00:08.39] is now the top priority for every British company
[00:12.08] that wants to stay ahead in global trade.
[00:15.31] Now schools in the United Kingdom
[00:17.34] want to give their students a head start
[00:19.76] by teaching them Mandarin
[00:21.70] - and they are making it compulsory.
[00:27.25] Brighton College is a fee paying private school
[00:30.31] on the south coast of Britain
[00:32.02] and already teaches Latin, Spanish and French to its 1,200 pupils.
[00:39.88] Students can choose between these languages,
[00:42.66] but from the autumn,
[00:43.98] which is the beginning of the new academic year in British schools,
[00:47.31] every student must study Mandarin
[00:47.31] whether they like it or not.
[00:47.31] undefined


[00:00.67] zhè shì shì jiè shang zēng zhǎng zuì kuài de jīng jì tǐ
[00:02.88] bìng qiě méi yǒu xiǎn shì chū fàng huǎn de jī xiàng,
[00:05.29] rú cǐ jīng rén de duì zhōng guó qǐ yè de lùn shù
[00:08.39] shì xiàn zài měi yí gè yīng guó gōng sī dí dàng wù zhī jí
[00:12.08] xiǎng yào lǐng xiān yú quán qiú mào yì.
[00:15.31] xiàn zài yīng guó de xué xiào
[00:17.34] xiǎng gěi zì jǐ de xué shēng yī kāi shǐ
[00:19.76] jiào tā men pǔ tōng huà
[00:21.70] bìng shǐ qí chéng wéi bì xiū.
[00:27.25] bù lái dùn xué yuàn shì yí gè fù fèi de sī lì xué xiào
[00:30.31] zài yīng guó nán bù hǎi àn
[00:32.02] bìng qiě yǐ jīng wèi 1200 gè xué shēng jiào shòu lā dīng yǔ, xī bān yá yǔ hé fǎ yǔ.
[00:39.88] xué shēng kě yǐ zài zhèi xiē yǔ yán zhī jiān xuǎn zé,
[00:42.66] dàn cóng qiū tiān qǐ,
[00:43.98] zhè shì yīng guó xué xiào xīn xué nián de kāi shǐ,
[00:47.31] měi gè xué shēng bì xū xué xí pǔ tōng huà
[00:47.31] wú lùn shì xǐ huān hái shì bù xǐ huān.