BBC新闻100篇 News Item 26

歌曲 BBC新闻100篇 News Item 26
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻100篇


[00:00.00] Financial regulators in the United States
[00:02.43] have accused the investment bank Goldman Sachs
[00:04.98] of fraud related to the collapse
[00:07.03] of the American housing market in 2007.
[00:09.58] The Securities and Exchange Commission
[00:11.88] is taking civil action against the bank.
[00:13.87] Michelle Fleury sent this report from the floor
[00:16.73] of the New York Stock Exchange.
[00:18.16] The Securities and Exchange Commission alleges
[00:21.15] the bank sold investors a financial product
[00:23.64] based on subprime mortgages
[00:25.63] that was designed to lose value.
[00:28.12] Goldman Sachs has denied the allegations
[00:30.67] and says it will defend the firm
[00:32.10] and its reputation.
[00:33.40] This is the first time
[00:35.08] that the US government has explicitly accused
[00:37.51] one of Wall Street's premier institutions
[00:40.18] of fraud relating to the collapse of the US housing market.


[00:00.00] měi guó jīn róng jiān guǎn jī gòu
[00:02.43] zhǐ kòng tóu zī yín háng gāo shèng tóu zī gōng sī
[00:04.98] shè xián zhà piàn
[00:07.03] dǎo zhì le 2007 nián měi guó fáng dì chǎn shì chǎng de bēng kuì
[00:09.58] měi guó zhèng quàn jiāo yì wěi yuán huì zhèng jiān huì
[00:11.88] zhèng duì gāi gōng sī tí qǐ mín shì sù sòng
[00:13.87] Michelle Fleury cóng niǔ yuē zhèng quàn jiāo yì suǒ
[00:16.73] fā huí bào dào
[00:18.16] zhèng jiān huì chēng
[00:21.15] gāi yín háng duì tóu zī zhě chū shòu de jīn róng chǎn pǐn
[00:23.64] jī yú cì dài dǐ yā de
[00:25.63] zhè zhǒng chǎn pǐn zhù dìng huì biǎn zhí
[00:28.12] gāo shèng gōng sī fǒu rèn le zhè xiàng zhǐ kòng
[00:30.67] bìng biǎo míng jiāng wèi zì jǐ de gōng sī
[00:32.10] jí qí shēng yù biàn hù
[00:33.40] zhè shì měi guó zhèng fǔ shǒu cì
[00:35.08] míng què zhǐ kòng
[00:37.51] huá ěr jiē zhǔ yào de tóu zī jī gòu
[00:40.18] shè xián qī zhà dǎo zhì měi guó fáng chǎn shì chǎng bēng kuì