BBC新闻100篇 News Item 43

歌曲 BBC新闻100篇 News Item 43
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻100篇


[00:00.00] There's been a day of bloodshed
[00:01.49] and turmoil in Kyrgyzstan
[00:03.55] with the opposition saying
[00:05.78] it set up an interim government.
[00:07.22] However it is still not clear
[00:08.90] who is in control
[00:10.02] or where President Kurmanbek Bakiyev is.
[00:12.56] Rayham Demytrie sent out this report from the capital, Bishkek.
[00:16.80] As night fell, widespread looting began
[00:19.47] in the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek,
[00:21.21] hundreds of protesters were moving
[00:22.83] from one shop to another,
[00:24.14] setting buildings on fire
[00:25.63] and causing more chaos on the ground.
[00:26.93] Random gunshots could be heard all across Bishkek.
[00:30.42] An interim government has been set up in Kyrgyzstan.
[00:33.40] It is being led by an opposition leader Roza Otunbayeva.
[00:37.01] In a comment of a Russian TV channel she said
[00:39.69] that the situation in the country remains tense
[00:41.92] and difficult. Early on Wednesday,
[00:44.10] the country's prime minister resigned.
[00:45.91] Some reports suggest
[00:47.15] that the Kyrgyz's President Kurmanbek Bakiyev
[00:49.33] is in the south of the country in the city of Osh.


[00:00.00] jí ěr jí sī sī tǎn
[00:01.49] fā shēng le yì tiān de liú xiě hé sāo luàn
[00:03.55] fǎn duì pài shēng chēng
[00:05.78] qí chéng lì le lín shí zhèng fǔ.
[00:07.22] dàn shì shàng bù qīng chǔ
[00:08.90] shì shuí zài kòng zhì
[00:10.02] huò zǒng tǒng kù ěr màn bié kè bā jī yé fū Kurmanbek Bakiyev zài nǎ lǐ.
[00:12.56] Rayham Demytrie cóng shǒu dū bǐ shí kǎi kè fā lái bào dào
[00:16.80] yè mù jiàng lín, dà guī mó de qiǎng jié huó dòng
[00:19.47] fā shēng zài jí ěr jí sī sī tǎn shǒu dū bǐ shí kǎi kè
[00:21.21] shù bǎi míng kàng yì zhě
[00:22.83] zhèng cóng yī jiā shāng diàn zhuǎn yí dào lìng yī jiā
[00:24.14] zòng huǒ shāo huǐ jiàn zhù wù
[00:25.63] zào chéng le gèng duō de hùn luàn
[00:26.93] zài bǐ shí kǎi kè kě yǐ tīng dào suí yì de qiāng shēng
[00:30.42] jí ěr jí sī sī tǎn chéng lì le lín shí zhèng fǔ
[00:33.40] tā yóu fǎn duì pài lǐng dǎo rén ào tōng bā yé wá lǐng dǎo
[00:37.01] é luó sī diàn shì tái de yī zé píng lùn zhōng chēng
[00:39.69] gāi guó de jú shì réng rán jǐn zhāng hé kùn nán.
[00:41.92] zhōu sān zǎo xiē shí hòu
[00:44.10] gāi guó zǒng lǐ cí zhí
[00:45.91] yǒu bào dào chēng
[00:47.15] jí ěr jí sī zǒng tǒng bā jī yé fū Kurmanbek Bakiyev
[00:49.33] zài aò shí shì nán bù