BBC新闻100篇 News Item 84

歌曲 BBC新闻100篇 News Item 84
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻100篇


[00:00.00] At one point the water in the central part of Venice
[00:02.95] was 1.56m above sea level.
[00:06.36] It hasn't been that high since 1986.
[00:08.70] Venice gets regular flooding at this time of year
[00:12.01] but this was the fourth deepest on record.
[00:14.24] Dozens of homes and businesses were inundated.
[00:17.66] Scores of people had to move out,
[00:19.84] though there are no reports of serious injuries.
[00:22.13] With mopping up still underway,
[00:24.58] the authorities say they don't yet know the final cost of repairs.
[00:28.04] They've appealed to the government for money from a special fund
[00:31.45] to help in the clear-up.
[00:32.93] The all-time record for high water was in 1966
[00:36.84] when it reached nearly two metres.
[00:38.77] The city then suffered widespread
[00:41.12] and devastating flooding.


[00:00.00] mǒu yī shí kè, wēi ní sī zhōng bù shuǐ píng miàn
[00:02.95] bǐ hǎi píng miàn gāo chū 1. 56 mǐ.
[00:06.36] cóng 1986 nián yǐ lái jiù méi yǒu guò zhè yàng gāo de qíng kuàng.
[00:08.70] měi nián de zhè gè shí jiān, wēi ní sī dōu huì fā shēng hóng shuǐ,
[00:12.01] dàn zhè shì yǒu shǐ yǐ lái, dì sì cì dá dào zuì gāo shēn dù.
[00:14.24] xǔ duō jiā tíng hé qǐ yè dōu bèi yān mò.
[00:17.66] xǔ duō rén bù dé bù bān chū qù,
[00:19.84] jí shǐ hái méi yǒu guān yú yán zhòng shāng wáng de bào dào.
[00:22.13] shōu wěi gōng zuò réng zài jìn xíng zhōng,
[00:24.58] dāng jú shuō tā men hái bù zhī dào zuì zhōng de xiū lǐ fèi yòng.
[00:28.04] tā men yǐ xiàng zhèng fǔ shēn qǐng le yī bǐ tè shū zī jīn
[00:31.45] lái jìn xíng qīng lǐ gōng zuò.
[00:32.93] zuì gāo shuǐ wèi de jì lù shì zài 1966 nián,
[00:36.84] dāng shí dá dào le jìn liǎng mǐ shēn.
[00:38.77] nà shí, zhè zuò chéng shì zāo yù le dà fàn wéi de
[00:41.12] huǐ miè xìng hóng shuǐ xí jī.