BBC新闻100篇 News Item 85

歌曲 BBC新闻100篇 News Item 85
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻100篇


[00:00.00] Indonesian officials say a powerful earthquake
[00:02.78] off the coast of the island of Sumatra
[00:04.61] has killed 13 people.
[00:06.64] The quake destroyed many buildings
[00:08.63] and cut communications in and around the city of Padang.
[00:11.38] Residents say people are trapped
[00:13.67] in the rubble and some bridges have collapsed.
[00:15.56] The quake which had a magnitude
[00:17.69] of 7.6 was felt hundreds of kilometres away
[00:20.80] in Singapore and Malaysia.
[00:22.27] From Jakarta here is Karishma Vaswani.
[00:24.41] The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre
[00:26.81] had issued a tsunami alert minutes after the earthquake hit
[00:30.01] off the coast of west Sumatra but then lifted it.
[00:33.07] The tremor was felt as far away as Indonesia's capital city,
[00:36.73] Jakarta.
[00:37.85] There have been reports of buildings and houses collapsing
[00:40.79] in the city of Padang,
[00:42.12] Sumatra's capital,
[00:43.65] which is near the epicentre of the earthquake.


[00:00.00] yìn ní guān yuán shēng chēng: sū mén dá là dǎo fù jìn hǎi yù
[00:02.78] fā shēng qiáng liè dì zhèn,
[00:04.61] yǐ jīng yǒu 13 rén yù nàn.
[00:06.64] zhè cì dì zhèn cuī huǐ le xǔ duō jiàn zhù wù
[00:08.63] bìng qiě qiē duàn le bā dōng sū mén dá là dǎo xī àn chéng shì shì nèi hé zhōu biān qū yù de tōng xìn.
[00:11.38] gāi dì jū mín shēng chēng rén men bèi kùn yú fèi xū zhī zhōng
[00:13.67] yǒu xiē qiáo liáng tān tā le.
[00:15.56] zhè cì dì zhèn zhèn jí wèi 7. 6 jí,
[00:17.69] zài xīn jiā pō hé mǎ lái xī yà jǐ bǎi gōng lǐ wài
[00:20.80] dōu yǒu zhèn gǎn.
[00:22.27] Karishma Vaswani yú yǎ jiā dá bào dào.
[00:24.41] dì zhèn fā shēng jǐ fēn zhōng hòu,
[00:26.81] tài píng yáng hǎi xiào yù jǐng zhōng xīn jiù fā bù le hǎi xiào yù jǐng,
[00:30.01] dàn suí hòu biàn qǔ xiāo le.
[00:33.07] yuǎn zài yìn ní de shǒu dū yǎ jiā dá
[00:36.73] yě yǒu zhèn gǎn.
[00:37.85] yǒu bào dào chēng, bā dōng de jiàn zhù hé fáng wū
[00:40.79] yǐ jīng dǎo tā,
[00:42.12] tā shì sū mén dá là dǎo de shǒu fǔ,
[00:43.65] wèi yú zhèn yuán zhōng xīn fù jìn.