BBC新闻100篇 News Item 93

歌曲 BBC新闻100篇 News Item 93
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻100篇


[00:00.00] So ferocious were the celebrations following Australia's victory
[00:02.96] in the 1983 America's Cup
[00:04.74] that the then Prime Minister Bob Hawke said
[00:07.03] bosses who sacked workers for not turning up to work were bums.
[00:10.24] It's seen as one of the country's greatest sporting triumphs,
[00:13.55] but now a Dutch naval architect has come forward
[00:16.50] claiming that he designed the famous winged keel
[00:19.20] that helped propel Australia II to victory.
[00:22.19] Peter Van Oossanen said he had grown tired
[00:24.74] of the Dutch design team being airbrushed out of history
[00:27.59] and that the record should be corrected.
[00:29.63] But the businessman Alan Bond,
[00:31.76] who bankrolled the boat,
[00:32.83] said the winged keel was 100 per cent Australian
[00:35.93] and that any other suggestion was codswallop.


[00:00.00] ào dà lì yà shèng lì zhī hòu de qìng zhù huó dòng rú cǐ xiōng měng
[00:02.96] zài 1983 měi guó bēi zhōng
[00:04.74] dāng shí de shǒu xiàng bào bó. huò kè shuō
[00:07.03] nèi xiē yīn wèi bù gōng zuò ér jiě gù gōng rén de lǎo bǎn shì liú máng.
[00:10.24] tā bèi shì wéi gāi guó zuì wěi dà de tǐ yù shèng lì zhī yī,
[00:13.55] dàn xiàn zài, yī wèi dàn xiàn zài, yī wèi hé lán hǎi jūn jiàn zhù shī tí chū hé lán hǎi jūn jiàn zhù shī tí chū
[00:16.50] shēng chēng tā shè jì le zhù míng de yì lóng gǔ,
[00:19.20] bāng zhù tuī dòng le ào dà lì yà II de shèng lì.
[00:22.19] Peter Van Oossanen biǎo shì, tā yǐ jīng yàn juàn le
[00:24.74] hé lán shè jì tuán duì bèi pāo qì lì shǐ,
[00:27.59] bìng qiě jì lù yīng gāi dé dào jiū zhèng.
[00:29.63] dàn shāng rén ài lún bāng dé
[00:31.76] zī zhù gāi chuán de shāng rén
[00:32.83] shuō: fēi guò de lóng gǔ shì bǎi fēn zhī bǎi de ào dà lì yà rén,
[00:35.93] ér qí tā rèn hé jiàn yì dōu shì xuě yú bì.