圣城重生 14

歌曲 圣城重生 14
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC罗马


In the mission to make Rome great once more, there was one Pope whose ambitions would exceed all others. The successor to the Borgia Pope would be the ultimate creator of Renaissance Rome. His name was Giuliano della Rovera. Years before he became Pope, he began forming his great vision for the city. And in the entrance to the church outside his old home is a clue to his master plan for the new Rome. He erected a relief of an eagle, the mighty symbol of Ancient Rome. Giuliano had rescued the great eagle from the ruins, and he wanted to do the same to Rome itself. His vision was to restore the Eternal City to its ancient glories. And he himself would be its Julius Caesar. So it's no wonder that when elected Pope, the name he chose was Julius II. Deep inside the Vatican Palace, the walls of Julius's private apartments ring out with the story of his reign.
在这项中兴罗马的使命中,有一位教皇,其壮志雄心比所有其他的教皇都要高。波吉亚教皇的继任者将成为最终缔造罗马复兴的人。他的名字是朱利亚诺·德拉·诺维拉(Giuliano della Rovera)。早在成为教皇的前几年,他就开始为罗马城构思宏大的发展蓝图。(注:原文是vision愿景)在他旧居外头那座教堂的入口处,我们对于他构建新罗马城的总体规划,可以看出一丝端倪。他在那儿立了个老鹰浮雕,象征着古罗马的强盛。这只大鹰是朱利亚诺是从废墟中抢救出来的,同样地,他希望能带来罗马从衰颓中走出来。他的愿景是永恒之城得以再创旧时的辉煌,到时候他本人就是新的“凯撒大帝”(朱利叶斯·凯撒Julius Caesar)。因此,他在当选教皇后选了朱利叶斯二世这个名号也就不足为奇。在梵蒂冈宫内深处,朱利叶斯住所的墙壁上仍回荡着他统治时的故事。


In the mission to make Rome great once more, there was one Pope whose ambitions would exceed all others. The successor to the Borgia Pope would be the ultimate creator of Renaissance Rome. His name was Giuliano della Rovera. Years before he became Pope, he began forming his great vision for the city. And in the entrance to the church outside his old home is a clue to his master plan for the new Rome. He erected a relief of an eagle, the mighty symbol of Ancient Rome. Giuliano had rescued the great eagle from the ruins, and he wanted to do the same to Rome itself. His vision was to restore the Eternal City to its ancient glories. And he himself would be its Julius Caesar. So it' s no wonder that when elected Pope, the name he chose was Julius II. Deep inside the Vatican Palace, the walls of Julius' s private apartments ring out with the story of his reign.
zài zhè xiàng zhōng xīng luó mǎ de shǐ mìng zhòng, yǒu yī wèi jiào huáng, qí zhuàng zhì xióng xīn bǐ suǒ yǒu qí tā de jiào huáng dōu yào gāo. bō jí yà jiào huáng de jì rèn zhě jiāng chéng wéi zuì zhōng dì zào luó mǎ fù xīng de rén. tā de míng zì shì zhū lì yà nuò dé lā nuò wéi lā Giuliano della Rovera. zǎo zài chéng wéi jiào huáng de qián jǐ nián, tā jiù kāi shǐ wèi luó mǎ chéng gòu sī hóng dà de fā zhǎn lán tú. zhù: yuán wén shì vision yuàn jǐng zài tā jiù jū wài tou nà zuò jiào táng de rù kǒu chù, wǒ men duì yú tā gòu jiàn xīn luó mǎ chéng de zǒng tǐ guī huà, kě yǐ kàn chū yī sī duān ní. tā zài na r lì le gè lǎo yīng fú diāo, xiàng zhēng zhe gǔ luó mǎ de qiáng shèng. zhè zhǐ dà yīng shì zhū lì yà nuò shì cóng fèi xū zhōng qiǎng jiù chū lái de, tóng yàng dì, tā xī wàng néng dài lái luó mǎ cóng shuāi tuí zhōng zǒu chū lái. tā de yuàn jǐng shì yǒng héng zhī chéng dé yǐ zài chuàng jiù shí de huī huáng, dào shí hòu tā běn rén jiù shì xīn de" kǎi sǎ dà dì" zhū lì yè sī kǎi sǎ Julius Caesar. yīn cǐ, tā zài dāng xuǎn jiào huáng hòu xuǎn le zhū lì yè sī èr shì zhè gè míng hào yě jiù bù zú wéi qí. zài fàn dì gāng gōng nèi shēn chù, zhū lì yè sī zhù suǒ de qiáng bì shàng réng huí dàng zhe tā tǒng zhì shí de gù shì.