圣城重生 28

歌曲 圣城重生 28
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC罗马


It's called The Ecstasy Of Saint Teresa. Tell me about this piece. I mean, this is extraordinary. Well, this is really a very intense religious experience that is described by Saint Teresa, but, you know, if I read out her own words and you see the sculpture that goes along with it, I think there's little ambiguity as to what exactly is happening. So, let me just read this. "I saw that he had a long golden dart in his hand." And she's referring to this angel that she sees appearing. "I thought that he pierced my heart with this dart several times and in such a manner that it went through my very bowels and when he drew it out, it seemed as if my bowels came with it, and I remained wholly inflamed with a great love of God. The pain thereof was so intense that it forced deep groans from me, but the sweetness which this extreme pain caused in me was so excessive that there was no desiring to be free from it." So, I think this is a very graphic and very erotic rendering of an absolutely physical experience.
这被称作《圣特雷萨的沉迷》。 能跟我讲讲这件作品吧。我的意思是,这作品简直是非同凡响。 嗯,这取材于圣特雷萨的对自己宗教经历的描述,她对此事印象深刻,但是,你应当明白,如果你读了她的那些语录,你就会发现这个雕塑表现的就是这件事情本身。我想这个雕塑可能将这件事情微微夸大了。好了,我们来读读这个。“我看到他的手中握着一杆金色的标枪。”她指的是她看见天使显灵时那个天使。“我想他用那柄金枪数次刺穿我的心脏,于是它刺穿了我的内腑,当他将金枪从我身上抽离时,似乎我的心脏紧附着它。在上帝爱的温暖下,我仍然全身红肿。痛:身体是那么疼痛,我不由得呻吟出声。但是甜:尽管这会儿我的体内是如此疼痛,我却一点也不想从他的金枪下逃脱。”因此,我想她的这场身体的经历描述的栩栩如生,但又带着如此明显的性暗示。


It' s called The Ecstasy Of Saint Teresa. Tell me about this piece. I mean, this is extraordinary. Well, this is really a very intense religious experience that is described by Saint Teresa, but, you know, if I read out her own words and you see the sculpture that goes along with it, I think there' s little ambiguity as to what exactly is happening. So, let me just read this. " I saw that he had a long golden dart in his hand." And she' s referring to this angel that she sees appearing. " I thought that he pierced my heart with this dart several times and in such a manner that it went through my very bowels and when he drew it out, it seemed as if my bowels came with it, and I remained wholly inflamed with a great love of God. The pain thereof was so intense that it forced deep groans from me, but the sweetness which this extreme pain caused in me was so excessive that there was no desiring to be free from it." So, I think this is a very graphic and very erotic rendering of an absolutely physical experience.
zhè bèi chēng zuò shèng tè léi sà de chén mí. néng gēn wǒ jiǎng jiǎng zhè jiàn zuò pǐn ba. wǒ de yì sī shì, zhè zuò pǐn jiǎn zhí shì fēi tóng fán xiǎng. , zhè qǔ cái yú shèng tè léi sà de duì zì jǐ zōng jiào jīng lì de miáo shù, tā duì cǐ shì yìn xiàng shēn kè, dàn shì, nǐ yīng dāng míng bái, rú guǒ nǐ dú le tā de nèi xiē yǔ lù, nǐ jiù huì fā xiàn zhè gè diāo sù biǎo xiàn de jiù shì zhè jiàn shì qíng běn shēn. wǒ xiǎng zhè gè diāo sù kě néng jiāng zhè jiàn shì qíng wēi wēi kuā dà le. hǎo le, wǒ men lái dú dú zhè gè." wǒ kàn dào tā de shǒu zhōng wò zhe yī gān jīn sè de biāo qiāng." tā zhǐ de shì tā kàn jiàn tiān shǐ xiǎn líng shí nà gè tiān shǐ." wǒ xiǎng tā yòng nà bǐng jīn qiāng shù cì cì chuān wǒ de xīn zàng, yú shì tā cì chuān le wǒ de nèi fǔ, dāng tā jiāng jīn qiāng cóng wǒ shēn shàng chōu lí shí, sì hū wǒ de xīn zàng jǐn fù zhuó tā. zài shàng dì ài de wēn nuǎn xià, wǒ réng rán quán shēn hóng zhǒng. tòng: shēn tǐ shì nà me téng tòng, wǒ bù yóu de shēn yín chū shēng. dàn shì tián: jǐn guǎn zhè huì ér wǒ de tǐ nèi shì rú cǐ téng tòng, wǒ què yì diǎn yě bù xiǎng cóng tā de jīn qiāng xià táo tuō." yīn cǐ, wǒ xiǎng tā de zhè chǎng shēn tǐ de jīng lì miáo shù de xǔ xǔ rú shēng, dàn yòu dài zhe rú cǐ míng xiǎn de xìng àn shì.