圣城重生 35

歌曲 圣城重生 35
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC罗马


Grotesque it may be, but its message was clear. Rome had new masters. The city no longer belonged to the Pope. But the Pope was not going to make this easy. Historian Anne Wingenter has been studying this pivotal period in Rome's history. So, when King Victor Emmanuel, King of Italy, arrived and united Rome with the rest of Italy, how did that affect the Pope? Well, I mean, the Pope essentially refused to recognise the Kingdom of Italy, and not just this particular Pope when Rome was taken, but the next several popes, and they encourage Catholics, not just in Italy, but around the world, not to recognise the Kingdom of Italy. And threatening Italians with ex-communication if they participate in the political life of the state. You know, it's a real problem, because there's a priest in every village, you know, telling people that, you know, this state is illegitimate. And the Pope retreats to the Vatican Palace? The popes stay in the Vatican, and they don't give the address in St Peter's Square. They sort of cut the state off from the mother Church which, if you're, you know, a believing Catholic, is a problem.
这(指“立纪念碑”这件事)可能有些荒诞,但由此所传达的信息是明确的。罗马有了新的主人。这座城市不再属于教皇,但教皇可不会轻易交出(罗马的统治权)。历史学家安妮·温金特一直在对罗马历史上这一关键时期进行研究。 那么,当维克托·伊曼纽尔,意大利的国王,到来并将罗马并入意大利之时,这对教皇有何影响? 我说呢,教皇从根本上是拒绝承认意大利王国的,不仅仅是罗马被占领时在任的教皇而已,后继的几位教皇也是如此。他们动员意大利乃至全世界的天主教徒不予承认意大利王国(的合法性)。同时还威胁意大利人,如果他们参与国家政治生活,将被逐出教会。这个呢,是一个实实在在的问题,因为每个村庄都有一位牧师,在那呢,就告诉人们说,国家(当局)是非法的。 而教皇们则躲进了梵蒂冈宫? 教皇们就栖身在梵蒂冈,而且也不再在圣彼得广场发表讲话。他们相当于切断了意大利与总教会的连结,这对虔诚的天主教徒来说确实是个问题。


Grotesque it may be, but its message was clear. Rome had new masters. The city no longer belonged to the Pope. But the Pope was not going to make this easy. Historian Anne Wingenter has been studying this pivotal period in Rome' s history. So, when King Victor Emmanuel, King of Italy, arrived and united Rome with the rest of Italy, how did that affect the Pope? Well, I mean, the Pope essentially refused to recognise the Kingdom of Italy, and not just this particular Pope when Rome was taken, but the next several popes, and they encourage Catholics, not just in Italy, but around the world, not to recognise the Kingdom of Italy. And threatening Italians with excommunication if they participate in the political life of the state. You know, it' s a real problem, because there' s a priest in every village, you know, telling people that, you know, this state is illegitimate. And the Pope retreats to the Vatican Palace? The popes stay in the Vatican, and they don' t give the address in St Peter' s Square. They sort of cut the state off from the mother Church which, if you' re, you know, a believing Catholic, is a problem.
zhè zhǐ" lì jì niàn bēi" zhè jiàn shì kě néng yǒu xiē huāng dàn, dàn yóu cǐ suǒ chuán dá de xìn xī shì míng què de. luó mǎ yǒu le xīn de zhǔ rén. zhè zuò chéng shì bù zài shǔ yú jiào huáng, dàn jiào huáng kě bú huì qīng yì jiāo chū luó mǎ de tǒng zhì quán. lì shǐ xué jiā ān nī wēn jīn tè yī zhí zài duì luó mǎ lì shǐ shàng zhè yī guān jiàn shí qī jìn xíng yán jiū. nà me, dāng wéi kè tuō yī màn niǔ ěr, yì dà lì de guó wáng, dào lái bìng jiāng luó mǎ bìng rù yì dà lì zhī shí, zhè duì jiào huáng yǒu hé yǐng xiǎng? wǒ shuō ne, jiào huáng cóng gēn běn shàng shì jù jué chéng rèn yì dà lì wáng guó de, bù jǐn jǐn shì luó mǎ bèi zhàn lǐng shí zài rèn de jiào huáng ér yǐ, hòu jì de jǐ wèi jiào huáng yě shì rú cǐ. tā men dòng yuán yì dà lì nǎi zhì quán shì jiè de tiān zhǔ jiào tú bù yǔ chéng rèn yì dà lì wáng guó de hé fǎ xìng. tóng shí hái wēi xié yì dà lì rén, rú guǒ tā men cān yù guó jiā zhèng zhì shēng huó, jiāng bèi zhú chū jiào huì. zhè gè ne, shì yí gè shí shí zài zài de wèn tí, yīn wèi měi gè cūn zhuāng dōu yǒu yī wèi mù shī, zài nà ne, jiù gào sù rén men shuō, guó jiā dāng jú shì fēi fǎ de. ér jiào huáng men zé duǒ jìn le fàn dì gāng gōng? jiào huáng men jiù qī shēn zài fàn dì gāng, ér qiě yě bù zài zài shèng bǐ dé guǎng chǎng fā biǎo jiǎng huà. tā men xiāng dāng yú qiē duàn le yì dà lì yǔ zǒng jiào huì de lián jié, zhè duì qián chéng de tiān zhǔ jiào tú lái shuō què shí shì gè wèn tí.