神圣之赌 32

歌曲 神圣之赌 32
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC罗马


Holy travellers returned home with relics but also with Roman practices, which allowed Gregory to become the arbiter and leader of Christianity across Europe. When Gregory died in 604 he was buried in St Peter's, where his epitaph read, "God's consul". He'd enriched and empowered the papacy, combining the old with the new. He was truly the high priest of city and church. The Pope now headed the most influential organisation in Western Europe. And Rome was its power base. The modern papacy, as we know it, was taking shape. But Rome now faced a completely new threat. A new religious revelation was on the march. Islam. In a few decades, the Arabs had conquered a vast empire. They captured Jerusalem, leaving Rome the one and only Holy City of Christendom. Rome feared it would be next. The city needed an ally. Charlemagne, King of the Franks, was a gifted soldier-statesman who had conquered much of Western and Central Europe.


Holy travellers returned home with relics but also with Roman practices, which allowed Gregory to become the arbiter and leader of Christianity across Europe. When Gregory died in 604 he was buried in St Peter' s, where his epitaph read, " God' s consul". He' d enriched and empowered the papacy, combining the old with the new. He was truly the high priest of city and church. The Pope now headed the most influential organisation in Western Europe. And Rome was its power base. The modern papacy, as we know it, was taking shape. But Rome now faced a completely new threat. A new religious revelation was on the march. Islam. In a few decades, the Arabs had conquered a vast empire. They captured Jerusalem, leaving Rome the one and only Holy City of Christendom. Rome feared it would be next. The city needed an ally. Charlemagne, King of the Franks, was a gifted soldierstatesman who had conquered much of Western and Central Europe.
cháo shèng zhě dài zhe wén wù huí dào jiā xiāng, tóng shí yě dài huí le luó mǎ de xí sú gé lǐ gāo lì yīn cǐ dé yǐ chéng wéi zhěng gè ōu zhōu jī dū jiào jiè de quán wēi hé lǐng xiù. gōng yuán 604 nián gé lǐ gāo lì qù shì shí, bèi ān zàng zài shèng bǐ dé dà jiào táng. tā de mù zhì míng shàng xiě zhe" shén de lǐng shì". tā zhěng hé xīn jiù quán lì tǐ xì, cóng ér fēng fù bìng gǒng gù le jiào huáng de zhí quán. tā zhēn zhèng shì chéng shì hé jiào huì de dà jì sī zhù: kě néng shì zhǐ xíng zhèng zōng jiào. zhè wèi jiào huáng xiàn zài tǒng lǐng zhe xī ōu zuì yǒu yǐng xiǎng lì de zǔ zhī. ér luó mǎ shì gāi zǔ zhī de quán lì jī chǔ. jīn tiān wǒ men suǒ shú zhī de jiào huáng yī zhí zhèng zài zhú jiàn chéng xíng. dàn shì, luó mǎ xiàn zài miàn lín zhe yí gè quán xīn de wēi xié. yí gè xīn de zōng jiào zhèng xíng jìn zài zhēng tú shàng. zhè jiù shì yī sī lán jiào. zài jǐ shí nián qī jiān lǐ, a lā bó rén gōng xià le yí gè páng dà de dì guó. tā men zhàn lǐng le yē lù sā lěng, shǐ luó mǎ chéng wéi wéi yī yí gè jī dū jiào de shén shèng zhī chéng. luó mǎ chéng dān xīn zì jǐ jiāng shì xià yī ge bèi ná xià de chéng shì. zhè zuò chéng shì xū yào yí gè méng yǒu. fǎ lán kè guó wáng zhā lǐ màn, shì yí gè tiān cái de jūn rén zhèng zhì jiā. tā zhēng fú le xī ōu hé zhōng ōu de dà bù fèn dì qū.