神圣之赌 39

歌曲 神圣之赌 39
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC罗马


The Holy City was on its knees. The emperors, once Rome's protectors, were now in the ascendant, dominating Italy. The Holy Roman Emperors, successors of Charlemagne and, in effect, kings of Germany, repeatedly marched south to attack Rome and terrorise its popes. Only a few popes had the strength to fight back by reinvigorating papal authority and the sanctity of the city. In 1075, Pope Gregory VII took a stand. He published the Dicatatus Papae that declared the absolute supremacy of the papacy and Rome. From now on, emperors would bow to popes. Gregory's posturing infuriated the German emperor, Henry IV. He deposed the Pope. But Gregory hit back, ex-communicating Henry, in effect, stripping him of all his powers. The toxic relationship between pope and emperor had ignited, and Rome was its victim. Gregory allied himself with the Normans, but when they occupied the city in 1084, things turned violent. Rome became a blazing inferno.
这座神圣之城一颓不起。曾经保卫着罗马的君王,现在权力日益扩大,开始统治支配意大利。罗马帝王,也即查理曼的继任者,以及德国国王,多次南下攻打罗马并胁迫恐吓其教皇。只有少数几个教皇,通过重振教皇权威和罗马城的神圣性,予以还击。 公元1075年,教皇格列高利七世表明了立场。 他发表《教皇声明》(Dicatatus Papae),宣布教皇和罗马至高无上的地位。从今往后,皇帝们得向教皇低头。格里高利此举激怒了德国皇帝亨利四世。于是,他废黜了教皇。但格里高利进行了回击,他把亨利逐出教会,更确切地说,剥夺了他全部的权力。教皇和皇帝之间的恶性关系一触即发,罗马成了受害者。格里高利诺曼第人结成同盟,但在1084年,他们占领这座城市之时,这场事件演变成暴力冲突。罗马成了战火纷飞的炼狱。


The Holy City was on its knees. The emperors, once Rome' s protectors, were now in the ascendant, dominating Italy. The Holy Roman Emperors, successors of Charlemagne and, in effect, kings of Germany, repeatedly marched south to attack Rome and terrorise its popes. Only a few popes had the strength to fight back by reinvigorating papal authority and the sanctity of the city. In 1075, Pope Gregory VII took a stand. He published the Dicatatus Papae that declared the absolute supremacy of the papacy and Rome. From now on, emperors would bow to popes. Gregory' s posturing infuriated the German emperor, Henry IV. He deposed the Pope. But Gregory hit back, excommunicating Henry, in effect, stripping him of all his powers. The toxic relationship between pope and emperor had ignited, and Rome was its victim. Gregory allied himself with the Normans, but when they occupied the city in 1084, things turned violent. Rome became a blazing inferno.
zhè zuò shén shèng zhī chéng yī tuí bù qǐ. céng jīng bǎo wèi zhe luó mǎ de jūn wáng, xiàn zài quán lì rì yì kuò dà, kāi shǐ tǒng zhì zhī pèi yì dà lì. luó mǎ dì wáng, yě jí zhā lǐ màn de jì rèn zhě, yǐ jí dé guó guó wáng, duō cì nán xià gōng dǎ luó mǎ bìng xié pò kǒng hè qí jiào huáng. zhǐ yǒu shǎo shù jǐ gè jiào huáng, tōng guò zhòng zhèn jiào huáng quán wēi hé luó mǎ chéng de shén shèng xìng, yǔ yǐ huán jī. gōng yuán 1075 nián, jiào huáng gé liè gāo lì qī shì biǎo míng liǎo lì chǎng. tā fā biǎo jiào huáng shēng míng Dicatatus Papae, xuān bù jiào huáng hé luó mǎ zhì gāo wú shàng de dì wèi. cóng jīn wǎng hòu, huáng dì men dé xiàng jiào huáng dī tóu. gé lǐ gāo lì cǐ jǔ jī nù le dé guó huáng dì hēng lì sì shì. yú shì, tā fèi chù le jiào huáng. dàn gé lǐ gāo lì jìn xíng le huí jī, tā bǎ hēng lì zhú chū jiào huì, gèng què qiè dì shuō, bō duó le tā quán bù de quán lì. jiào huáng hé huáng dì zhī jiān de è xìng guān xì yī chù jí fā, luó mǎ chéng le shòu hài zhě. gé lǐ gāo lì nuò màn dì rén jié chéng tóng méng, dàn zài 1084 nián, tā men zhàn lǐng zhè zuò chéng shì zhī shí, zhè chǎng shì jiàn yǎn biàn chéng bào lì chōng tū. luó mǎ chéng le zhàn huǒ fēn fēi de liàn yù.